Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How to Force Paperwhite Bulbs

    • 1). Pour marbles into a shallow container, filling approximately 2 inches high.

    • 2). Place several bulbs with the root side facing down close together onto the marble layer. The bulbs prefer growing in a crowded manner, so place them so they almost touch. Fill in the slight gaps between bulbs with additional marbles. While the marbles should in no way bury the bulbs, they should be secure enough so they will not fall onto their sides.

    • 3). Pour in water, slowly, so as not to dislodge the pebbles and bulbs. Only fill to the top of the marble layer. The top of the bulbs will be above water level.

    • 4). Maintain this water level as the bulbs begin to send out shoots, grow their foliage, and flower. The plant stores all the nutrients it will need in the bulb, so no additional growing medium is required.

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