Society & Culture & Entertainment Holidays & party

Celebrate Hug A G.i. Day

Though not an official holiday, Hug a G.I. Day is a holidate--a created holiday designated to honor, celebrate or remember something that is not necessarily formally recognized by the government.

According to the inventor of Hug a G.I., Adrienne Koopersmith, a Chicago-based cartoonist and writer, March 4 is the only day on the calendar that is a military command, march forth. Koopersmith created the holidate in 1996 as another day to honor, remember and celebrate American soldiers past and present.

There are many days including traditional holidays such as Memorial Day, Veterans Day, Labor Day and Fourth of July to recognize and honor the service and sacrifice of soldiers in the U.S. Army.

The term G.I. is a nickname for members in the U.S. Armed Forces. The term refers to galvanized iron. The letters "G.I." are used to denote equipment made from galvanized iron in U.S. Army inventories and supply records. The term was later applied to all military equipment, then to the soldiers themselves during World War II.

There are many ways to honor current active-deployed service members for Hug a G.I. Day even if you do not know a soldier or cannot see the soldier you know on this day. Many military organizations suggest making a donation or sending a gift to a soldier as a symbolic hug, which is a great way to support the troops.

One way to donate directly to an active-deployed soldier is through an organization that connects service members and citizens through magazine subscription donations. The program is Subscriptions for Soldiers. The program offers corporations and individuals the opportunity to support deployed active-duty service members by donating magazine subscriptions for a discounted price of $10. Thirty different magazine subscriptions are offered for donation such as Outdoor Life magazine, Shape magazine, Muscle & Fitness magazine, Guns & Ammo magazine and Star magazine.

If you are on a tight budget and cannot send any gifts to soldiers you can also fly an American flag, wear a yellow ribbon or write a soldier a letter in support. There are many ways to show your appreciation.

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