- 1). Place the orchid in an area where it will get bright light but not full sun. These orchids prefer light all day to maintain a temperature of 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Situate the Doritaenopsis orchid in an east- or north-facing window. Watch the orchid's leaves to make sure it's getting enough light; bright green leaves mean it is, while dark green leaves mean it's not.
- 2). Monitor the growing foundation in your orchid's pot, and water it only when the soil is dry. Orchids don't like to have their feet wet, and they suffer in muddy conditions or standing water. Give your orchid an inch of water every five to 12 days.
- 3). Mix orchid-specific fertilizer with water, per the directions on the label, and fertilize the orchid once a month. Frequent fertilization may burn the roots of the plant, while infrequent fertilization keeps it from growing or blooming.
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