How to Make Pipe Cleaner Pencil Wraps
Wednesday, June/05/2019
- 1). Gather together six or so different colored pipe cleaners, holding them in a bunch. Use a pair of household scissors to cut through the bunch of cleaners so they are the desired length.
- 2). Twist the first few inches of the cleaners together in a spiral fashion, to hold them together. Coil the end of one of the pipe wraps around the end of the pencil so the cleaner is formed in a spring-like shape. Pull the pencil from the cleaner, and coil all remaining ends of the cleaners in like fashion.
- 3). Hold the coiled base of the cleaners to the side of the pencil's end. Wrap a new straight pipe cleaner several times around both the pencil and base of the cleaners, to hold the cleaners to the pencil. Wrap several different colored pipe cleaners around the top end of the pencil, to add to the multicolor effect.
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