Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Keys to a Happy Marriage

Divorce is on the rise, leaving more and more families broken and scarred.
While there is no guarantee that love will prevail, there are many ways to strengthen weak marriages and help promote healing.
If you find your relationship is beginning to break apart, consider reworking it, possibly with the help of therapy services, to get your relationship back on track.
Communication, or rather lack thereof, is usually the catalyst for a series of other problems that cause a marriage to dissolve over time.
It is uncommon for a divorce to be the pinpointed to exactly one event or disagreement, but rather they result from a series of issues that slowly develop over time.
Communication can help air out frustrations and disagreements before they become unmanageable.
It is better not to leave things unsaid.
No matter how comfortable you become with your spouse, neither of you are mind readers.
Part of communication is knowing when to compromise.
A healthy marriage is a partnership, which requires give and take from both sides.
There may be some situations where compromise seems impossible, and in those instances it might be best to seek outside therapy or assistance to help explore different perspectives.
But in most cases, honest conversation can often help a couple come to an agreement that suits each person's needs.
While a happy one greatly relies on partnership, space is also required.
Before a couple met, they were individuals first and foremost with their own interests and goals.
Those things that were once important before the relationship will probably still be important years later.
Each person needs to have their own personal time whether it is with their group of friends or indulging in their passions.
Spending time apart is important for individual as well as couple growth.
More than anything, happy marriages involve mutual respect.
The definition of respect may vary by couples and individuals, but there are some basic guidelines.
Language used and actions displayed towards each other shouldn't be used to be hurtful or cruel.
The name and honor of each other should be defended even if one part of the couple is absent.
Your partner should take precedent over others (with the exception of children) and should be held in high regard even if there are disagreements.
Trust, which comes in many forms, is the secret behind the success and longevity of many marriages.
Trust doesn't only mean having unflinching faith in your partner, but also involves earning trust through actions rather than statements.
Mistakes will be made, which is why it is just as important to be a forgiving person as it is to swallow your pride and work to regain a jilted partner's trust.
A successful marriage requires commitment and hard work, as well as the willingness of each partner.
There will be difficult times throughout the years, and possibly some that are quite long-lasting; however, open communication can help ease hardships.
If there still isn't change and your marriage seems destined for failure, marriage therapy services, such as counseling, are helpful and can give you new tools to help you solve disputes amicably.

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