Family & Relationships Conflict

Possible Get Back Together - Yes, You Can Win Your Ex Back If You Know Exactly What to Do

The experience of going through a break up is one of the most heart-wrenching episodes in a person's life.
This may sound overly dramatic, but it's a proven fact that losing a relationship creates a similar degree of heartbreak as losing a loved one who dies.
The pain is overpowering at times.
Can you take much more of this? Is there anything you can do to create a reunion? If a possible get back together is what you really want, the it's important that you know what to do and say to get back with the one you love...
and avoid the usual errors nearly everyone makes.
Immediately end all behavior that comes across and hard up or desperate.
You must quit all obsessive-compulsive calling, texting, letters, messages through mutual friends, etc.
The more you push, the more they will pull away...
it's human nature.
When you're the one giving chase, you give away all your power...
and that is unappealing.
The idea is to work with human nature rather than against it.
This is done by allowing your ex some space.
You must cut off all contact for a period of time...
2-3 weeks or more.
This can be very difficult for many people...
especially if you're anxious to get back together.
Find the self discipline to do this...
it's an important part of creating a possible get back together.
Next time you find yourself wanting to call at 3am, stop! Call a friend, take a walk, etc.
Resist the temptation to go back to the old ways.
After a while your ex will notice you're no longer acting desperate.
This will usually make them interested once again.
Why? Because it's human nature to be pulled towards a person who appears distant and unavailable.
Doesn't it make more sense to work with human nature instead of fighting it? Be sure to stay occupied during this time of no contact by participating in plenty of activities that you enjoy and are important to you.
Start working on those personal goals you've been putting off, do things that make you happy and improve your life.
Your partner will see the change.
This combined with your new attitude of independence will nearly always draw them towards you again.
This is the most powerful way to create a possible get back together.
Now, instead of you being the one chasing, you're both equals...
and you can begin to work on the bigger issues that need fixing.

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