Preschool Projects for Sunday School
- Construction paper and markers are all that is needed to create this project. Simply fold the construction paper in half, and allow the children to draw pictures on each of the sides about how much God loves each of us. Once they complete the cards, have them give the card to someone special in their lives so that person will be reminded of God's love as well. This project is best accompanied by a lesson about spreading the good news about God's love to the people we meet.
- This project requires advanced preparation, but few materials. By using the eraser tip of a brand new pencil to shape tissue paper squares, and gluing them to a card-stock cutout of a coat, the children are able to create a bright and cheery three-dimensional project. This project is a hands-on way to engage young children in the Biblical story of Joseph and his coat of many colors told in Genesis 37:3-4.
- The pillow project is an extremely simple and fun way to engage your preschool pupils. You only need white pillowcases, fabric markers and cardboard to prevent the marker from bleeding through the fabric. On one side, write "Rise and Shine! Give God the glory!" and have the children draw a picture of a sunny day. On the other side, write "Watch me as I sleep, Lord Jesus," and have the children draw a picture of a starry night. This project is a great reminder to give God thanks each day and remember our prayers at bedtime.
- This project is a great take on finger-painting, and would be wonderful to display on a bulletin board in your classroom. You only need paper, tempra or finger-paints and black markers. Children should choose two paint colors, one for each thumb. Have them make thumbprints in different patterns, such as a butterfly, caterpillar or flower. Once the paint dries, use the black marker to add details to the paintings. When the children walk into your classroom and see their work, they will be reminded that somebody does love them: God.