Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Types of Lifting Devices

    • Devices have been used since ancient times to help ease the strain of lifting something heavy. Lifting devices have changed over the years with advances in technology. Lifting devices can be simple (a hoist) or complex (a vacuum lifter). Lifting devices are used to decrease time of lifting and improve productivity.


    • Hoists work on a lifting medium and power source. The lifting medium can be a rope or a chain working on a pulley. The power source can be an electric or air motor, though some work manually. Hoists are used in construction of buildings and mines.

    Pneumatic gripper

    • A pneumatic gripper converts compressed air into mechanical work. It uses a gripper to move and hoist objects. Pneumatic grippers can be used to hoist small objects like an electronic chip or large objects like construction blocks.

    Vacuum lifter

    • These lifting devices are used to move fragile items such as glass or electronic chips. They do not leave a mark on the object. These devices use tubes and suction cups to hold the object.

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