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Dethroning a King From Its Pedestal: When Google Is Ousted

Second to none.
Currently, this is the place of Google in the search engine marketing world.
Every business, every SEO company, basically everyone who wants to be seen by millions of internet users is at the mercy of this search engine giant.
It is so up there that a number of websites are even accusing it of "playing God.
" So, it is anomalous, even sacrilegious to say, or even think about a cyberspace without the big G at the top.
Or is it? Well, apparently, it's not.
First, here's a caveat.
Nothing stated here is definitive, but also, nothing which can be easily dismissed by a forward looking internet marketing agency.
Now, the question is, what circumstances can push Google out of the top? Penguin Has the Answer "I've been hit by Penguin" was a common and resounding outcry when Google first released this algorithm update on April 24, 2012.
An SEO company who had a lot of successes making sites rank high through cheap, unethical and deceptive link-building techniques suddenly found itself at the bottom of the search marketing food chain.
At the end of the day, this is Google's attempt to rid its search results pages (SERPs) of bad links that offer no value at all to internet users.
So, what's the connection of all these to the prophesized end of its supremacy? The answer: semantic search.
An Era where Relevance is King When Penguin was launched, every internet marketing agency is constantly reminded that content is king.
Digging deeper, one will find that the real goal of Google in demanding for good content is address a searcher's intent.
In other words, semantic search is all about relevance.
But Google is already returning results based on their relevance correct? The answer is yes.
Search engines evaluate a page's relevance based on one or more of the following: 1.
How a page answers an internet user's wants and motivations.
It looks at how a piece of content or a web property can help in the different decision-making stages of a customer.
The quality of the content.
It's connection to the topic itself.
A professional SEO company knows that currently, Google is not that strong when it comes to the first item which talks about intent and motivation.
When a searcher types a search term, Google guesses what the user is looking for and let's just say that currently, these guesses are not that on target.
It's a hit and miss process.
Introducing the Real Contenders Due to all the bad links of the past, the system that Google uses is cluttered with the bad sorts, creating a window of opportunity for new players such as Wolfram|Alpha which recently forged an alliance with Apple's Siri which puts Semantic at the forefront.
Again, an internet marketing agency with a strong sense of foresight should be able to tell that everything is going towards semantics.
The Moral of the Story Count on it that Google will not give up its place as the preeminent search engine without a good fight.
This doomsday prophecy may not even be true.
However, one thing's for sure.
The search marketing landscape is such a shaky ground that an SEO company and businesses do not have any choice but to evolve with the trends.

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