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How to Make a Smudge From Sagebrush

    • 1). Harvest the sage. Use garden shears to cut all of the branches to equal lengths of 7 to 10 inches long.

    • 2). Cut a piece of embroidery floss that is two and half times the length of your branches.

    • 3). Line up the branches so that the fuller, leafy ends are all at one end and the woody stems are at the other. Create a loose bundle.

    • 4). Tie the floss around the woody base of your bundle. Use a simple knot to hold the string in place.

    • 5). Hold the stems in one hand while you wrap the floss around the bundle with the other hand, moving toward the leafy end. Wrap the bundle tightly. As the sage dries, it will shrink, so you want the floss to stay tight.

    • 6). Wrap back toward the base once you reach the end of the leafy side. The floss will create a zigzag pattern around the bundle. When you reach the starting point, wrap the floss around the base several times, then tie it in a double knot to secure. Snip the excess floss.

    • 7). Place the sage bundle in the center of the mat and fold the top of the mat over it. Lightly press the bundle while rolling it back and forth. This will compress the bundle, making it into a tightly packed smudge stick.

    • 8). Remove the smudge from the mat and groom it using your scissors. Snip away any stray leaves or branches to give it a smooth, tubular shape.

    • 9). Place the smudge on a drying rack and let it dry for about one week. After one week, it should be dry and ready for burning.

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