Home & Garden Cleaning & Laundry

Step by Step Tips to Cleaning House

    Kitchen and Bathroom First

    • The kitchen and the bathroom are two of the most used rooms in your home, so start by cleaning them. In the kitchen, tackle the inside and outside of every storage space. Throw out old and expired food from the fridge. Reorganize the rest to conserve space. Toss out aged condiments taking up space in the cabinets. Wipe down shelves and walls with a mixture of baking soda and warm water. Scrub the stove top.

      Water and mold are the enemies in the bathroom, so hit them where they live. This means preventative cleaning, such as wiping down your shower curtain after every use to prevent water retention and mold buildup. If you find a problem, homemade remedies are simple to prepare. Submerging your shower head in undiluted white vinegar overnight dissolves mineral deposits that build up and clog the water flow.

    Eliminate Clutter

    • Eliminating clutter is a major step in cleaning house. Get some heavy-duty garbage bags and pare things down. Make needed executive decisions--those stacks of magazines really don't need to be taking up space.

      Paring down includes clothing. You don't have to throw away your favorite sweaters, but if summer is on the horizon, store them in a vacuum-sealed bag to get them out of the way. If you are hoarding dozens of old T-shirts, keep those you cannot live without and donate the others.

    Dust and Launder

    • Two crucial and easy-to-overlook steps in housecleaning are dusting and laundering your linens. First, dust your home from top to bottom. Dust the tops of ceiling fans, door frames, artwork, bookshelves, chinaware and nightstands, eventually working your way down to the floor. Use a broom to thoroughly sweep the floor then wash it. Launder your linens, neglecting nothing. This means pillow cases, pillows, curtains, tablecloths, oven mitts, seat covers and anything else that can go in a washing machine. Giving yourself this fresh start eliminates dust, dirt, odor, bugs and anything else lurking in the seams.

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