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Wardrobe Basics That Every Woman Should Have

When you are building a wardrobe there are many things to consider so you have everything you needed for the perfect style. Many of the things that you need to know include your body type, size, being realistic, and your best colors. These things will help you make good decisions on the type of clothing that you should wear.

Your body type is everything when it comes to purchasing clothing and building your wardrobe. You may love jeans but have all of the wrong pairs that don't fit you right. When you choose clothing you have to build the wardrobe based on how thin or heavy you are, the length of your legs, the size of your bust, and much more. Many women with a really small bust wear tops that are designed for a larger breast size. This only looks silly and doesn't fit right. Wear clothing that looks right with the type of body you have. Clothing needs to fit you right. This doesn't mean tight but appropriately. If it is too baggy it may make you look larger than you already are.

Another consideration is being smart about the size. Just because your favorite clothing manufacturer makes an outfit in your size doesn't meant that is right for your body and your size. You may even have coupons from them and want to spend them on one of their outfits. This would be a bad decision if you didn't base your decision on the type of outfit. For example, if you are overweight and have a large stomach then you may not want to wear a pair of low rise jeans that hang below the hip bones. If you are really tall you won't want to wear them either because they will make you look even taller. Short and thin women can get away with these types of jeans because they will add height that they need.

Colors need to be considered also when you are building your wardrobe. Most women assume that they can build a base of their wardrobe with black but instead black looks terrible on them. Make sure that the color looks good on you and that it is not too overpowering for your body type and style. You want to be noticed as fashionable but also for people to notice you. The best way to get started with a wardrobe base is to learn which colors are your best colors. This way you can buy a few pieces to build your wardrobe on. Don't wear the same color everyday though.

There are many things that you need to consider when you are building a wardrobe. You have to be fashionable but the clothing you choose must match your body type and your style. Make sure that what you are wearing matches you and looks good on you. Never be afraid to ask in a store. However, always remember that many sales reps in a department store are making commission so they may tell you something looks good when it really doesn't.

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