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Conflicting Images of China

A little girl with a beautiful voice recorded a song to be sung at the opening ceremonies of the recent Summer Olympics in Beijing, China.
She and billions of other people around the world expected this little girl to be on stage to perform her song.
Guess what? The Chinese Olympic Officials decided that this little girl was not pretty enough to be on stage.
They replaced her with a much prettier little girl who simply mouthed the song of the other little girl on stage.
They believed that the prettier little girl best represented the image of China to the world.
Needless to say, the less pretty little girl, must have been heart broken.
The Chinese, in their dishonest and deceitful way, never expected the world to find out about the shabby treatment of this little girl.
However, the world did find out, much to their consternation.
The Chinese want the rest of the world to see them in a positive way.
For this reason they only consider good looking and tall people for jobs that might bring them in contact with westerners and the Chinese public.
In China, it is not what you know, but how good you look.
If people are short, have buck teeth and no chins, they need not apply for a good job.
Chinese policy is to have these people work in factories turning out clothes, televisions and electronics etc.
for western markets.
The homely people are forever relegated to low paying jobs.
Much like in a beehive, the workers are stuck for the rest of their lives in low paying, menial jobs.
Many young girls in China, who are pretty enough but not tall enough, will undergo surgical procedures that will make them taller.
The surgical procedure involves sawing through the femur in both legs, then pulling each apart an inch.
The gap, it is hoped, will eventually fill with new regenerated bone material.
Many young women are so desperate to get in on the many jobs in the hospitality industry that they will subject themselves to this risky surgery.
In fact, many are left crippled for life.
Who has not seen photographs or images on television of tall and good looking young women police officers.
It is very easy to have height specifications for female police officers.
Specifying good looks is preposterous.
When China shows off it's military might, all those goose-stepping soldiers are all the same height.
They also have chins to hold the helmet chin straps in place.
All others, who do not meet this average criteria, are kept out of sight.
However, when riots are to be quelled such as those in Tibet and Xinjiang, then the looks of the soldiers do not matter.
In China right now, people have forgotten the etiquette they learned during the Olympic games and again are spitting in the streets.
In Shanghai people are wearing pyjamas by night as well as by day.
This is an image the Chinese do not want to project to the world.
It will take draconian measures to enforce a law against the wearing of pyjamas on the streets of Shanghai in the day time.
However, the Chinese will and can enforce any draconian laws if they have to.
The many thousands of sky scrapers in Beijing and in Shanghai are examples of waste just so they can impress the world.
Many of them are mostly empty.
In fact, it has been predicted, that an office-market crash in these cities and others is looming.
Construction of office buildings throughout China does not appear to be abating.
The various cities are actively encouraging the building of more and more office space.
Their motto must be "Build it and they will come".
The problem with this is, that they will not come.
It took America over a hundred years of orderly economic development to build all the office buildings in existence today.
The Chinese think they can accomplish in 10 years what took America over a hundred years.
Any intelligent observer can readily see that this is not possible.
When reporting economic growth, China does not like to report a growth rate of 4.
0% as 4 is considered to be an extremely unlucky number.
The number 8 on the other hand, is the most extremely lucky.
In Chinese culture, everything revolves around the number 8.
The number appears on doors of houses,on car license plates and so on.
The exact economic growth rate in China must be taken with a grain of salt.
The images of China projected to the world by the Chinese are full of propaganda.
This is a typical communist practice of falsifying the truth.

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