Physical Games for Kids
- Split your group into two even teams and split the play area into two equal sections. Have one team agree to be the jailers first. This team must count to 60 while the other team runs and hides on its section of the yard. When time is up, the jailers must search for kids on the other team. If they find a member of the other team, they can send her to jail. The jailers should have someone guarding the jail. If a member of the other team successfully makes his way to the jail, he can yell "Freedom!" and the jailed members can go free. If the jailer catches this person, he too will go to jail. The game ends when an entire team is in jail.
- Flashlight tag is an outdoor game children can play when it starts to get dark. It will tire them out before bed. Choose someone to be the jailer and give him a flashlight. The jailer must count to at least 60 to give all of the other players a chance to hide. The jailer uses the flashlight to find his friends. Once the flashlight uncovers someone, the jailer must shout out that person's name. That person then goes to jail. This continues until all of the players have been spotted and jailed. For added excitement, give each person a chance to be the jailer and time how long it takes her to find all of the players. The jailer with the shortest amount of time wins.
- When kids play pies, they decide where home base is going to be. (It is best if it is a porch so players can run all the way around the house and end up back at base.) Choose someone to be the pie caller. That person must go to the porch and close his eyes and hold his ears for one minute. The other players turn to each other and each decide which flavor of pie they will be. Then the pie caller calls out a flavor. The player who chose that flavor must start running around the house to get to home base without begin tagged by the pie caller. If the pie caller catches the player, then that player becomes the pie caller. If the player makes it safely to home base, the pie caller keeps his position for another round.