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How to Use USB VMWare Player Flash Drive

    • 1). Plug the VMware flash drive into the USB port of any x86 computer. All PCs and newer Intel-based Macs are x86 machines and will be able to use the flash drive. A dialog box will pop up on the computer's screen.

    • 2). Enter your password. If this is the first time you have used the flash drive, you will need the initialization password. Whoever provided you the drive should supply this. After you have entered that password once, you will be allowed to enter your own custom password for easier recall.

    • 3). Follow the instructions in the dialog box. If this is the first time the flash drive has been connected to that computer, it will automatically install VMware Player. If the software is already there, you will be able to close the dialog box.

    • 4). Click on "Start," "Applications" and "VMware Player" on a Windows machine or double-click on the VMware Player icon in a Mac's Applications folder.

    • 5). Click on "File" and "Open" in VMware player. Select the virtual machine file on the flash drive. It is recognizable by a .vmc or .vmx file extension.

    • 6). Click "OK." You will see the desktop of your virtual machine and be able to use it normally.

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