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How to Make Your Own Clan in "Ninja Saga"

    • 1). Log in to your Facebook, MySpace or Orkut account with your user name and password, and navigate to your "Ninja Saga" game page.

    • 2). Click the "Clan" button above the red arch in the northeast corner of your world map to travel to the Clan District.

    • 3). Type a name for your clan in the text field under the "Create a New Clan" heading. Click the red "Create" button to form your clan. A one-time fee of 400 tokens is deducted automatically from your current token balance when you create a clan.

    • 4). Return to your world map and click the "Recruit Friends" button in the southwest corner of it. Select a name from your list of networked contacts to send a clan invitation to the target recipient.

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