How to Make an Ombre Shirt
- 1). Divide the shirt vertically into four equal sections. Tie these sections off with rubber bands.
- 2). Mix the dye bath in the bucket, following package instructions and using the wooden spoon. This will involve mixing the dye into hot water and adding a dash of salt. Make sure the powder is thoroughly dissolved and there is none left on the bottom of the bucket. Put on rubber gloves before proceeding.
- 3). Dip the top three sections of the shirt into the dye bath. Make sure the dye gets into all corners of the fabric equally. Hold the shirt in the dye bath for about one minute. Remove the shirt, and gently squeeze out the extra dye.
- 4). Dip the top two sections of the shirt into the dye bath. Hold these sections in the bath for approximately three minutes. Remove the shirt, and gently squeeze out the extra dye.
- 5). Dip the top section into the dye bath. Hold it in the bath for approximately five minutes. Remove the shirt, and gently squeeze out the extra dye. Hang the shirt on a hanger.
- 6). Spray cold water on the shirt, from top to bottom, to fade the color and allow the the dye to run. The running dye is part of the ombre effect.