Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Winning Divorce Strategies For Men

Getting a divorce is never a pleasant process, even when the decision to split up is mutual.
When it is not mutual - and that often is the case - claws come out.
Agreeing on who gets custody, how to divide assets and how much to pay in child support or alimony can turn into a long and frustrating battle.
One of the things most men who divorce complain about is that the divorce process favors the woman.
Although justice is supposed to be blind to gender, judges tend to be more sympathetic to women.
Considering this can be an uneven battle, men need to arm themselves with winning strategies.
Here are some very helpful tips for men who are going through a divorce.
Manage your anger: Easier said than done right? Well, that is exactly what you need to do.
Not being in control of your emotions may damage your case and you will end up losing your divorce It's perfectly understandable to be frustrated and angry because of feelings of abandonment, betrayal, infidelity or rejection.
As difficult as it may seem, never show these feelings in court.
If your ex wife is willing to use dirty divorce tactics, you can expect that she will use any outburst on your part in her own advantage.
She can bring up the past and use any comment you made, any family dinner you missed, even turn your kids against you, just to turn you into a horrible husband.
Don't make things worse by getting angry.
Be prepared emotionally for anything, and be in perfect control of your anger.
After court, you may go home and release your anger anyway you want.
When you are in court act like a perfect gentleman.
Analyze you finances: Women usually initiate the divorce proceedings.
This gives them the advantage of knowing beforehand what they have to do so they are more organized.
Men may be caught by surprise so they don't have a clear strategy.
Big mistake.
Divorce has winners and losers.
If you're not prepared, you will not be among the winners.
Once you get passed the initial shock, you should analyze your finances and all you other assets.
Cancel all your joint accounts or credit cards and keep all the original documents of your financial situation.
Divorce advice for men needs to center around finances first and foremost, because you will likely lose all of them if you are not careful.
Don't use dirty tactics: Divorce can bring up the worst in people.
The woman who you planned on spending the rest of your life with can become vindictive money grabbing soon-to- be-ex-wife with a "win at all costs" attitude.
She won't hold back from using dirty tactics and may very well play the part of the poor housewife who had enough.
Trying to fight them with similar tactics won't work and it can all blow up in your face.
The best defense you have against these tactics is to be prepared.
Talk to your lawyer before every meeting, decide on the best strategy and stick to it.
Keep in mind that in order to win the divorce you need to appear in front of the court as a decent, respectable and likeable person Winning Strategies involve having a plan.

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