Law Of Attraction - Our Ultimate Freedom
So what is the greatest freedom that every person on this planet has? Freedom of speech? No Half the world doesn't have this freedom.
Freedom of the press? Not hardly.
The one freedom every human on the planet enjoys is the freedom of choice.
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms-to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose ones own way" - Victor FranklMANS SEARCH FOR MEANING.
Beacon Press The freedom to choose how one reacts to any given situation is mans ultimate freedom.
We can find the best in a situation or the worst.
We can whine and complain and become a "crap" magnet or we can accept the situation and figure out how to take anything positive out of it, grow and move on.
This is easier said than done.
Sometimes it takes a conscious effort to find some good in a situation.
We often react on auto pilot.
Someone cuts you off in traffic and almost automatically you want to give them the one finger salute.
I know, been there, done that.
Now I just imagine that that person is on there way to the hospital to see a dying loved one.
It totally changes my perspective on the situation.
I see it as no longer being personal.
I just see it as the other person is focused on their goal.
The hard part now is focusing on how we react to things.
First, pausing for a few seconds can help tremendously, this will prevent you from reacting out of habit.
Second ask yourself what's funny about this that I haven't noticed before.
This will force your brain to totally get away from the negative and look for something humorous.
Thirdly, don't take anything personally.
In almost all situations other people react out of habit and not because they hate you or even know you.
I have found that it's the little things that seem to annoy us the most.
So that's a good place to really start being aware of how you react to things.
Freedom of the press? Not hardly.
The one freedom every human on the planet enjoys is the freedom of choice.
"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms-to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose ones own way" - Victor FranklMANS SEARCH FOR MEANING.
Beacon Press The freedom to choose how one reacts to any given situation is mans ultimate freedom.
We can find the best in a situation or the worst.
We can whine and complain and become a "crap" magnet or we can accept the situation and figure out how to take anything positive out of it, grow and move on.
This is easier said than done.
Sometimes it takes a conscious effort to find some good in a situation.
We often react on auto pilot.
Someone cuts you off in traffic and almost automatically you want to give them the one finger salute.
I know, been there, done that.
Now I just imagine that that person is on there way to the hospital to see a dying loved one.
It totally changes my perspective on the situation.
I see it as no longer being personal.
I just see it as the other person is focused on their goal.
The hard part now is focusing on how we react to things.
First, pausing for a few seconds can help tremendously, this will prevent you from reacting out of habit.
Second ask yourself what's funny about this that I haven't noticed before.
This will force your brain to totally get away from the negative and look for something humorous.
Thirdly, don't take anything personally.
In almost all situations other people react out of habit and not because they hate you or even know you.
I have found that it's the little things that seem to annoy us the most.
So that's a good place to really start being aware of how you react to things.