Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

My Husband Doesn"t Want to Have Sex - Is There Hope?

So, you say, "My husband doesn't want to have sex," and you may be wondering if there is any hope.
This is especially true if you have been working at this for a while.
Of course there is hope.
Even if there has been an affair, there is hope--provided you want him back.
Most of the time, however, there has not been affair.
You husband may also be confused by the situation.
He probably has the ability to compartmentalize his life a little better than you do.
If that is the case, he will be able to deny there is a problem, or he will just block it out of his mind for large periods of time.
You, on the other hand, probably have it lingering on your mind all the time.
You may be wondering what is wrong with you.
Here is one word of encouragement: Probably nothing is wrong with you.
There can be some fairly common things weighing him down.
These things may cause him to be so distracted that he neglects the thoughts of physical intimacy.
It could be pressures outside the marriage.
It could be pressures of the need to succeed in other areas (and he feels he is failing short).
It could even be that there are physical problems.
So, when you feel that "My husband doesn't want to have sex" means that an affair is going, just realize that may not be the case at all.
(On the other hand, you do want to check out the possibility--just make sure you do it discreetly, or you could compound your present problem.
) Now, since I said there is probably nothing wrong with you, I don't want to leave you with the hopeless feeling that there is nothing you can do when you feel, "My husband doesn't want to have sex.
You may be relieved to hear that many of the techniques that could help have nothing to do with being "super seductive" although a little seduction does not hurt anything--but you have probably already tried that.
When you couple perhaps some new ideas for getting his interest along with some ideas that will improve your marriage across the board, and not just in the physical intimacy area, you may be surprised to find that you create a state where your husband is once again interested in this activity.
Not only that, he will find you irresistible! What are some of those things?
  • Listen when he wants to talk
  • Don't press the issue
  • Don't appear to nag (although that may not be your intent--avoid the appearance)
  • Help him relax
  • Help him have fun
  • Build him up (This is the most important one--He needs your admiration and respect most of all!.
So, don't give up.
When you feel that "My husband doesn't want to have sex" is almost a hopeless situation, realize there is hope.
Part of that hope is related to getting good information.

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