Prime Muscle - 4 Ideas On Motivating Yourself At The Gym
So you've made the commitment to change your physical being and motivating yourself at the gym is a major key to your success.
Congratulations, my friend, this journey can and will be one of the more interesting challenges you'll ever take on.
Why? Well, the main reason here is because no one can do it for you.
You can't talk someone else into doing this for you, you can't pay someone else to do this for you and you can't even bribe someone else into doing this for you.
This is all about YOU! Every bit of this whole experience is completely and totally up to you.
Now that we've cleared that up, let's get to the meat of this situation.
We've got to get you to a point where you're so motivated and driven to make a difference in your body that nothing, and I mean nothing, will stand in your way.
Here's four ways to get you on a solid path to your success: 1.
IDENTIFY THE MAJOR AREAS OF YOUR BODY THAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE! For example, perhaps the size or shape of your legs has always been a sore spot for you.
Or maybe you want to firm or tone up your arms.
Or, you've got great big plans and you just want to change everything.
Whatever it is, take a moment to identify those areas.
Now, put these pictures where you are most likely to see them on a regular basis.
This might sound silly or crazy or just plain dumb, but there's a method to this madness.
That method is that when you surround yourself with visuals of your goals, your mind starts working in a different way.
It starts constantly reminding you that you've got a mission to accomplish and also that just because you've taken the time to put these pictures up, you're invested in making the mission successful.
REGARDLESS OF THE DAY TO DAY HAPPENINGS, HONOR YOUR COMMITMENT TO YOURSELF! Whatever you have to do to satisfy your own mind that you've held up your end of your commitment to yourself every day, you need to do that.
Keep your word to yourself.
Know that you're working toward a goal.
Know that you're making a difference in your own life.
Know that this will only make you better.
Not only in your physical life but in your personal life too.
BEWARE OF THE TRAP! The trap is this, never (and I mean NEVER) compromise on a promise you've made to yourself! The mind is a funny thing, it knows if you keep your promises to yourself.
So, if you've been a little lax on this before, now is the time to change that also.
It's time to reset your mind in the direction that you, yes YOU, are the most important thing in your life.
BE INSPIRED BY EVERY BIT OF PROGRESS THAT YOU MAKE! That's right, you heard me, take a moment to pat yourself on the back because you just did something in the gym that you've never done before.
This can be just a simple "good job" under your breath or in your mind to yourself.
Tell yourself that what you just accomplished was something you're proud of.
Pump your fists, let out a big breath, even grunt a bit if you so feel like it.
But in some way, give yourself the recognition that you certainly approve of what you just accomplished.
And here's the reason why.
How did it make you feel the last time someone told you that you did a good job on anything and you know that they truly meant it? Felt pretty good, eh? Makes you want to do that again or at least never anything less than that level again, right? I think you're getting the picture.
To wrap this all up, it should be clear by now that this journey you've decided to take is something that's going to be all about CHANGE.
If you're looking at this as a way to lose weight, that will change.
Perhaps you want to look good in a bathing suit again, that will change.
Or maybe there's a medical reason for this undertaking, such as to improve your ability to breath deeper and address an asthma situation, that too will change.
And this change will happen when you make a conscious effort and commitment to motivate yourself in the direction of your goals.
You did hear that, right? IT WILL HAPPEN! Now, as to how much or how big or how fast those changes will occur? That, my friend, is all up to you.
Yes, YOU!
Congratulations, my friend, this journey can and will be one of the more interesting challenges you'll ever take on.
Why? Well, the main reason here is because no one can do it for you.
You can't talk someone else into doing this for you, you can't pay someone else to do this for you and you can't even bribe someone else into doing this for you.
This is all about YOU! Every bit of this whole experience is completely and totally up to you.
Now that we've cleared that up, let's get to the meat of this situation.
We've got to get you to a point where you're so motivated and driven to make a difference in your body that nothing, and I mean nothing, will stand in your way.
Here's four ways to get you on a solid path to your success: 1.
IDENTIFY THE MAJOR AREAS OF YOUR BODY THAT YOU WANT TO CHANGE! For example, perhaps the size or shape of your legs has always been a sore spot for you.
Or maybe you want to firm or tone up your arms.
Or, you've got great big plans and you just want to change everything.
Whatever it is, take a moment to identify those areas.
Now, put these pictures where you are most likely to see them on a regular basis.
This might sound silly or crazy or just plain dumb, but there's a method to this madness.
That method is that when you surround yourself with visuals of your goals, your mind starts working in a different way.
It starts constantly reminding you that you've got a mission to accomplish and also that just because you've taken the time to put these pictures up, you're invested in making the mission successful.
REGARDLESS OF THE DAY TO DAY HAPPENINGS, HONOR YOUR COMMITMENT TO YOURSELF! Whatever you have to do to satisfy your own mind that you've held up your end of your commitment to yourself every day, you need to do that.
Keep your word to yourself.
Know that you're working toward a goal.
Know that you're making a difference in your own life.
Know that this will only make you better.
Not only in your physical life but in your personal life too.
BEWARE OF THE TRAP! The trap is this, never (and I mean NEVER) compromise on a promise you've made to yourself! The mind is a funny thing, it knows if you keep your promises to yourself.
So, if you've been a little lax on this before, now is the time to change that also.
It's time to reset your mind in the direction that you, yes YOU, are the most important thing in your life.
BE INSPIRED BY EVERY BIT OF PROGRESS THAT YOU MAKE! That's right, you heard me, take a moment to pat yourself on the back because you just did something in the gym that you've never done before.
This can be just a simple "good job" under your breath or in your mind to yourself.
Tell yourself that what you just accomplished was something you're proud of.
Pump your fists, let out a big breath, even grunt a bit if you so feel like it.
But in some way, give yourself the recognition that you certainly approve of what you just accomplished.
And here's the reason why.
How did it make you feel the last time someone told you that you did a good job on anything and you know that they truly meant it? Felt pretty good, eh? Makes you want to do that again or at least never anything less than that level again, right? I think you're getting the picture.
To wrap this all up, it should be clear by now that this journey you've decided to take is something that's going to be all about CHANGE.
If you're looking at this as a way to lose weight, that will change.
Perhaps you want to look good in a bathing suit again, that will change.
Or maybe there's a medical reason for this undertaking, such as to improve your ability to breath deeper and address an asthma situation, that too will change.
And this change will happen when you make a conscious effort and commitment to motivate yourself in the direction of your goals.
You did hear that, right? IT WILL HAPPEN! Now, as to how much or how big or how fast those changes will occur? That, my friend, is all up to you.
Yes, YOU!