How to Build Chest Muscle for Skinny Guys
As a long time skinny guy, I had puny chest muscles pretty much my entire life.
But then I started to do some research and finally figured out why.
I've done a lot of reading over the years.
Through all of this research, I've discovered that the size of your pectorals is largely genetic, however to combat this by following some key (and widely misunderstood) principles of muscle building.
Here are some principles to follow that will show you how to build chest muscle quickly.
Lose Your Ego - Get A Swiss Ball OK I know what you're thinking.
Swiss balls are for girls right?Well it turns out the ladies have discovered an amazing secret.
I laugh when I hear meat heads tell people that swiss balls are wimpy.
The fact is, a swiss ball makes your body work to stabilize itself throughout an exercise.
By using these amazing and very inexpensive tools, you can work almost every muscle in your body in one exercise.
Your feet have to work to keep you stable, your back has to work to keep you from falling, your abs work overtime to keep you supported, and your workouts become more targeted as a result.
SUPER TIP: Working your abs and core muscles makes your chest muscles appear larger.
As you lose body fat and tone your abs, your chest not only looks larger in comparison, but these newly developed core muscles also serve to support your chest muscles, actually pushing them upwards.
As a result, they appear more solid.
Use Dumbbells Dumbbell I don't know why people don't use dumbbells for every exercise.
The reason dumbbells are so effective is because they target muscles better, especially chest muscles.
See if you just use barbells for everything, you're essentially using your other arm as a crutch while you push, pull or do whatever.
Yea, maybe you can lift more, but that doesn't mean squat for muscle growth.
Vary Your Workouts As a long time fitness addict, I've discovered that everyone hits a plateau sometime.
They experience great gains in the first few weeks of a program, but then it levels off.
When I was researching how to build chest muscles I discovered the answer as to why.
Because your body adapts to your workouts.
You need to change your routine every 3-4 weeks to keep gaining.
Plan out 3 separate full routines for yourself and switch every 3-4 weeks, going back to the start after the third has been completed.
This will keep your muscles guessing and challenge them to the full extent, especially your chest muscles, one of the hardest to build over time because of it's quick adaptation tendencies.
Get Help - But Just A Little You don't need to pay a physical trainer thousands of dollars to learn how to build chest muscle, but you do need a good guide to show you not only how to do exercises properly, but which exercises to do.
If you don't know a lot about weight training, there are tons of resources out there.
I suggest you spend a little cash and pick up a quality guide that willoutline a few workout routines for you, and also teach you about supplements, etc.
I see people in the gym every day that don't have a clue what they're doing.
Even the guys who are ripped from being there every day could stand to learn a thing or two.
Their muscle is from raw work (or steroids).
You don't need to go to the point of hiring someone, but you do need to be educated.
It makes things quite a bit easier.
Follow these principles and you'll be well on your way to building super chest muscles, not to mention your other muscles along the way.
But then I started to do some research and finally figured out why.
I've done a lot of reading over the years.
Through all of this research, I've discovered that the size of your pectorals is largely genetic, however to combat this by following some key (and widely misunderstood) principles of muscle building.
Here are some principles to follow that will show you how to build chest muscle quickly.
Lose Your Ego - Get A Swiss Ball OK I know what you're thinking.
Swiss balls are for girls right?Well it turns out the ladies have discovered an amazing secret.
I laugh when I hear meat heads tell people that swiss balls are wimpy.
The fact is, a swiss ball makes your body work to stabilize itself throughout an exercise.
By using these amazing and very inexpensive tools, you can work almost every muscle in your body in one exercise.
Your feet have to work to keep you stable, your back has to work to keep you from falling, your abs work overtime to keep you supported, and your workouts become more targeted as a result.
SUPER TIP: Working your abs and core muscles makes your chest muscles appear larger.
As you lose body fat and tone your abs, your chest not only looks larger in comparison, but these newly developed core muscles also serve to support your chest muscles, actually pushing them upwards.
As a result, they appear more solid.
Use Dumbbells Dumbbell I don't know why people don't use dumbbells for every exercise.
The reason dumbbells are so effective is because they target muscles better, especially chest muscles.
See if you just use barbells for everything, you're essentially using your other arm as a crutch while you push, pull or do whatever.
Yea, maybe you can lift more, but that doesn't mean squat for muscle growth.
Vary Your Workouts As a long time fitness addict, I've discovered that everyone hits a plateau sometime.
They experience great gains in the first few weeks of a program, but then it levels off.
When I was researching how to build chest muscles I discovered the answer as to why.
Because your body adapts to your workouts.
You need to change your routine every 3-4 weeks to keep gaining.
Plan out 3 separate full routines for yourself and switch every 3-4 weeks, going back to the start after the third has been completed.
This will keep your muscles guessing and challenge them to the full extent, especially your chest muscles, one of the hardest to build over time because of it's quick adaptation tendencies.
Get Help - But Just A Little You don't need to pay a physical trainer thousands of dollars to learn how to build chest muscle, but you do need a good guide to show you not only how to do exercises properly, but which exercises to do.
If you don't know a lot about weight training, there are tons of resources out there.
I suggest you spend a little cash and pick up a quality guide that willoutline a few workout routines for you, and also teach you about supplements, etc.
I see people in the gym every day that don't have a clue what they're doing.
Even the guys who are ripped from being there every day could stand to learn a thing or two.
Their muscle is from raw work (or steroids).
You don't need to go to the point of hiring someone, but you do need to be educated.
It makes things quite a bit easier.
Follow these principles and you'll be well on your way to building super chest muscles, not to mention your other muscles along the way.