Family & Relationships Conflict

Getting Your Ex Back - You Must Be Willing to Forgive

Break ups are a part of life and usually they help us in knowing how much we miss our ex.
For getting your ex back into your life you must change and show them the person they fell in love with.
There must have been great qualities in you for your ex to start dating you.
The key to getting your ex back is forgiveness.
Forgiveness is very important in sorting out the differences between the two of you.
If your ex did something wrong in the past and hurt you, you must be ready to forgive them.
You need to ask for their forgiveness if you did something that hurt your ex.
If you really want to give this relationship another chance then both of you have to keep all selfish attitudes and individual interests aside and give utmost importance to the relationship.
Ego will ruin all your chances of getting your ex back.
So keep your ego aside and do the needful.
If you love your ex unconditionally and want to get your ex back at any cost then forgiveness is just a small thing to ask for or to give.
After all it is humans who make mistakes but, always remember to learn from your mistakes and not to repeat them.
Any mistake made in a relationship is only made out of fury.
One should not pay attention to anything said and done at the time of breaking up because when a person is hurt and is mad at someone, bad things just seem to come out of their mouth.
Once you understand this then think of all the things that you said to your ex or your ex said to you in that situation, things will be easier for you.
Just recall was your ex hurt by your action? Were they too stressed out? Or were they just afraid of losing you? Recalling the situation will help you in asking for forgiveness or forgiving your ex.
When either of you is asking for forgiveness, don't go back about the past.
You don't need to talk about how they hurt you or how you hurt them.
The past is done and gone.
If you were the one who broke your ex's heart, admit your mistakes, take responsibility for your behavior and ask for forgiveness.
Let your ex know that you have forgiven them or you are sorry for what you did and close the chapter there.
Maybe that's what you need to get your ex back.

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