A Positive Break-Up - Is There Such a Thing?
Nearly all of us experience a break-up at some point in our lives, this is part of modern life and our quest to find the right partner to share our lives with and breaking up can be incredibly traumatic and devastating.
The whole dating game can become frustrating, especially if you experience heartbreak over and over.
But heartbreak is unfortunately part of life and nearly everyone goes through it at some stage, by doing so we discover how strong and versatile we really can be.
This can be the perfect opportunity to learn about yourself and grow as a person and if addressed correctly you as a person can excel and learn from this life experience and be ready for whatever else life has to throw at you.
So how do you address the break-up in the correct manner and not dwell on the heartbreak.
Having experienced quite a bad break-up myself and also losing my father around the same time I struggled to recover back to my normal self let alone excelling as a person.
But eventually I recovered, not from counselling or anti depressants as doctors too easily give out, but from knowledge and learning.
For me it was all about going online and finding websites that talked you through heartbreak and grief and more than this reading other peoples stories.
Before we only had our close group of friends, family and colleagues to confide in.
Thanks to the internet for the first time in human history it's easier than ever to learn about other peoples personal stories and how people cope with grief, break-ups and life in general.
It's strangely nice to know that you're not the only one experiencing heartbreak and that others have been through it and survived.
So how do you turn this negative (the break-up) into a positive.
Its time to try and change your outlook, yes the break-up is going to hurt and you do need to let yourself grieve.
But when you feel yourself start to recover try to think about all the positives of being single.
There are loads; most of all is the freedom to experience opportunity again.
Not saying you can't when you're in a relationship, but lets face it becomes more difficult.
When you are single you can be spontaneous and free spirited.
Make a list of all the things you have wanted to do in life, even if you have just wondered briefly about it.
Then look at the list and seriously consider if you can achieve any of them, you now have the greatest commodity of them all, time! Focusing your efforts to an achievable goal also helps your recovery.
Have you ever wanted to start your own business and work for yourself? Now is the time to realise your dream, it takes a lot of time and effort but is very achievable if you are so inclined, all it takes is a dream and some hard work.
When starting a business most of us have to fund ourselves with a full time job in addition to trying to start up the business in the beginning stages, and it can be difficult to find the time if you have a partner.
What about travelling? Why not travel round the world, "No money!!" I know.
Why not think about a second job.
Work in a pub for a bit, great social life (paid for as you work) and a bit of extra cash to fund your travelling dream.
With the added bonus that you now have bar experience should you need to work abroad.
Or even going back to college to study for your dream job, again you have the time to do this now.
Even if you have a full time job, you could look at weekend or evening study or even an Open University program.
The possibilities are endless you only need to have a dream, large or small it doesn't matter.
What matters is that you now have the opportunity and time to realise your dream, its time to stop wondering if you can achieve it and try, you can only fail (I'm sure you won't) but at least you have tried.
The whole dating game can become frustrating, especially if you experience heartbreak over and over.
But heartbreak is unfortunately part of life and nearly everyone goes through it at some stage, by doing so we discover how strong and versatile we really can be.
This can be the perfect opportunity to learn about yourself and grow as a person and if addressed correctly you as a person can excel and learn from this life experience and be ready for whatever else life has to throw at you.
So how do you address the break-up in the correct manner and not dwell on the heartbreak.
Having experienced quite a bad break-up myself and also losing my father around the same time I struggled to recover back to my normal self let alone excelling as a person.
But eventually I recovered, not from counselling or anti depressants as doctors too easily give out, but from knowledge and learning.
For me it was all about going online and finding websites that talked you through heartbreak and grief and more than this reading other peoples stories.
Before we only had our close group of friends, family and colleagues to confide in.
Thanks to the internet for the first time in human history it's easier than ever to learn about other peoples personal stories and how people cope with grief, break-ups and life in general.
It's strangely nice to know that you're not the only one experiencing heartbreak and that others have been through it and survived.
So how do you turn this negative (the break-up) into a positive.
Its time to try and change your outlook, yes the break-up is going to hurt and you do need to let yourself grieve.
But when you feel yourself start to recover try to think about all the positives of being single.
There are loads; most of all is the freedom to experience opportunity again.
Not saying you can't when you're in a relationship, but lets face it becomes more difficult.
When you are single you can be spontaneous and free spirited.
Make a list of all the things you have wanted to do in life, even if you have just wondered briefly about it.
Then look at the list and seriously consider if you can achieve any of them, you now have the greatest commodity of them all, time! Focusing your efforts to an achievable goal also helps your recovery.
Have you ever wanted to start your own business and work for yourself? Now is the time to realise your dream, it takes a lot of time and effort but is very achievable if you are so inclined, all it takes is a dream and some hard work.
When starting a business most of us have to fund ourselves with a full time job in addition to trying to start up the business in the beginning stages, and it can be difficult to find the time if you have a partner.
What about travelling? Why not travel round the world, "No money!!" I know.
Why not think about a second job.
Work in a pub for a bit, great social life (paid for as you work) and a bit of extra cash to fund your travelling dream.
With the added bonus that you now have bar experience should you need to work abroad.
Or even going back to college to study for your dream job, again you have the time to do this now.
Even if you have a full time job, you could look at weekend or evening study or even an Open University program.
The possibilities are endless you only need to have a dream, large or small it doesn't matter.
What matters is that you now have the opportunity and time to realise your dream, its time to stop wondering if you can achieve it and try, you can only fail (I'm sure you won't) but at least you have tried.