Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

Looking For Love and Finding Sex Instead

The first time you meet someone, you usually know whether or not you will get along with them.
Unfortunately, people that feel a deep level of friendship may mistake those feelings for romantic love.
In these situations, it can be all to easy to get physically intimate; only to have the relationship break up in some painful and surprising ways.
If you are looking for love, it may still be possible to reframe this type of relationship into a romantic one.
Even though you may have initialy gotten some signals confused, every relationship is meant to evolve.
Therefore, it is possible to say that friendships can cross over into romantic territory.
However, if you truly want a healthy romantic relationship, you will need to figure out some honest way to move in that direction from where you are now.
Interestingly enough, when you know how to use the Law of Attraction, even the smallest, most simple signals can change the entire situation in a matter of seconds.
When you first meet a new love interest, you both spend a lot of time learning about each other.
That process also involved a search for a specific level of entrainment.
When two people cannot reach a specific level within a short period of time, the relationship will be doomed.
No matter how long you may continue to date after that point in time, neither of you will make significant progress towards a healthy union.
In fact, even if the relationship appears to be progressing, both partners will only be trying to cover for missing levels of entrainment.
Since each person is unique, there is no such thing as a universal key that will open the door to romantic love.
On the other hand, some of the most enjoyable aspects of looking for love involve finding the key that will enable you to spend the rest of your life with a specific person.
This is one of the main reasons why working with the Law of Attraction is so useful if you are looking for love.
As you search for a way to bond with your romantic partner, you also grow and evolve in a way that helps you align with that person, as well as your long term romantic goals.
Chances are, you can most likely come up with a number of instances where you use sensuality or other types of romantic signals to cover for the fact that certain sublime elements are missing.
If you have ever broken up with a romantic partner, you can begin to analyze those relationships in order to find out which signals you were repressing, as well as which ones you never received.
As may be expected, you can work with the Law of Attraction to help you define what you are looking for.
From there, it will be much easier to look at your current relationship, and figure out how to include elements that create a more meaningful bond.
Interestingly enough, you may encounter more resistance within yourself than from your partner.
Many relationships that evolve into physical intimacy suffer when each partner fails to recognize the small things that create the deepest and most satisfying lifetime experiences.
In fact, if you give the idea of marriage, or a spiritual union some thought, you can readily see why so many cultures rely on it prior to physical intimacy.
While it may seem old fashioned, there is nothing quite like respecting yourself and your romantic partner with an open declaration of commitment to your family and your society.

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