What Are the Meditation Techniques?
Feeling out of your rocker lately? Too tired of the monotonous cycle of work, home and party life? Feeling extremely bored and exhausted? Well then, you have reached what is called the crash and burn point.
So if you decide to toe out beyond this point of no return, you could be sure that there will be nowhere to roll but downhill.
So take a chill pill and end this mad rush of life.
Take a break, and to return all the zap into your body cells, meditate.
If there is one thing that can break stress and rejuvenate the mind, soul, body and heart, it is nothing but meditation.
You will have to use different meditation techniques for the maximum impact on your health, but they mainly depend on the culture and the place of origin from where this meditation style had sprung from.
Also, the key factors to consider are your choices, your convenience and personality.
What are the different meditation styles that are used so that they can benefit you? Read on to find out more.
oMeditation techniques that focus on one's free flowing thoughts, reflection and observation are termed as "expansive", while the ones that pay attention to only a specific object are called "concentrative".
For them to work, slip away to your own quite world that could be anywhere out of the post-card waterfall or monk monastery picture.
All you need is a calm, nice and quiet place where you can let your mind concentrate.
It could even be the bathroom, provided it is noise-free and you do not end up taking a luxurious bath instead.
oThe first step would be to sit or lie down on the floor, stretch yourself out completely, and breathe deep, and try to feel the air rushing into your nose and fill up your lungs.
Inhalation and exhalation always puts your mind to rest and makes your body receptive towards the outer world, thus making you comfortable.
Breathe in and out for ten times, and settle yourself for the next position.
oNow you will try the expansive meditation techniques.
Sit quietly and hush up even your thoughts.
Do nothing but feel.
Feel the blood flowing through your veins, feel the life coursing through your heart.
Try to feel the millions of little changes occurring in your body right now.
Can you feel your finger nails growing, can you hear the wind rustling through your hair, and can you feel your skin tickle as the breeze blows on it? oFeeling all this will make you more aware of what is happening inside of you, and it will only open your eyes to the miracle called life, and the millions of lives outside this room.
Can you expand your mind to think of the changes occurring outside of you? Of the clocks chiming the passing time, of people walking in the streets, some running, and some talking? Can you feel the chaos outside, yet feel the pattern that works in it? Can you see that pattern? Imagine this entire world spinning in space, and any moment now it could whiz out of control.
But something holds it back.
Can you see what it is? Can you think that you can stop time, and perhaps jump through its scale and see the entire universe in a nutshell? Can you see space, time and everything inside it, everything born from it; they all take shape, blur up and reform yet again? oBut now, bring your mind back to your body.
Be more aware of the immediate surroundings.
Imagine the world moves in a slow motion as you rise up from your seated or lying position.
Open your yes, but stay aware.
No matter what you do in life, work with unending piles of files or go out with friends, stay aware of things around you.
Learn the beauty of the fallacy we call structure, and learn to accept this as well.
And soon, you will be a complete person, your emotions wholesome and desires achievable.
You will become a new person, a happier one.
And all the glory of this world shall shine through you.
So if you decide to toe out beyond this point of no return, you could be sure that there will be nowhere to roll but downhill.
So take a chill pill and end this mad rush of life.
Take a break, and to return all the zap into your body cells, meditate.
If there is one thing that can break stress and rejuvenate the mind, soul, body and heart, it is nothing but meditation.
You will have to use different meditation techniques for the maximum impact on your health, but they mainly depend on the culture and the place of origin from where this meditation style had sprung from.
Also, the key factors to consider are your choices, your convenience and personality.
What are the different meditation styles that are used so that they can benefit you? Read on to find out more.
oMeditation techniques that focus on one's free flowing thoughts, reflection and observation are termed as "expansive", while the ones that pay attention to only a specific object are called "concentrative".
For them to work, slip away to your own quite world that could be anywhere out of the post-card waterfall or monk monastery picture.
All you need is a calm, nice and quiet place where you can let your mind concentrate.
It could even be the bathroom, provided it is noise-free and you do not end up taking a luxurious bath instead.
oThe first step would be to sit or lie down on the floor, stretch yourself out completely, and breathe deep, and try to feel the air rushing into your nose and fill up your lungs.
Inhalation and exhalation always puts your mind to rest and makes your body receptive towards the outer world, thus making you comfortable.
Breathe in and out for ten times, and settle yourself for the next position.
oNow you will try the expansive meditation techniques.
Sit quietly and hush up even your thoughts.
Do nothing but feel.
Feel the blood flowing through your veins, feel the life coursing through your heart.
Try to feel the millions of little changes occurring in your body right now.
Can you feel your finger nails growing, can you hear the wind rustling through your hair, and can you feel your skin tickle as the breeze blows on it? oFeeling all this will make you more aware of what is happening inside of you, and it will only open your eyes to the miracle called life, and the millions of lives outside this room.
Can you expand your mind to think of the changes occurring outside of you? Of the clocks chiming the passing time, of people walking in the streets, some running, and some talking? Can you feel the chaos outside, yet feel the pattern that works in it? Can you see that pattern? Imagine this entire world spinning in space, and any moment now it could whiz out of control.
But something holds it back.
Can you see what it is? Can you think that you can stop time, and perhaps jump through its scale and see the entire universe in a nutshell? Can you see space, time and everything inside it, everything born from it; they all take shape, blur up and reform yet again? oBut now, bring your mind back to your body.
Be more aware of the immediate surroundings.
Imagine the world moves in a slow motion as you rise up from your seated or lying position.
Open your yes, but stay aware.
No matter what you do in life, work with unending piles of files or go out with friends, stay aware of things around you.
Learn the beauty of the fallacy we call structure, and learn to accept this as well.
And soon, you will be a complete person, your emotions wholesome and desires achievable.
You will become a new person, a happier one.
And all the glory of this world shall shine through you.