Health & Medical Yoga

Get Lean and Firm Muscles - 5 Ways a Yoga Routine Will Make You Lean and Mean

Yoga is becoming more popular as a great way to exercise, and for good reason.
Results like a leaner body and better mental focus can be achieved very quickly with a yoga routine.
Here are 5 ways a yoga routine will help you lean up, get stronger, and sharpen your mind whether you are a man or woman.
5 Ways Yoga Can Help You Get You Lean Muscles and Mental Focus 1) Core Power: The core muscles, the abs, lower back and obliques are constantly worked in the entire yoga routine.
Go to a yoga class, or follow a yoga DVD, and you'll be amazed at how much the core is fired for each posture.
Lower back strength is increased dramatically, which is a great feeling to notice if you have had a bad back in the past.
Abs and obliques are much stronger and you can feel it in your every day activities.
2) Chest and Back Strength: Downward facing dog, chaturanga, plank, and many other postures will have your chest and back firm working hard.
These postures are repeated over and over in a Vinyasa-style routine, and after a few weeks you'll see and feel the results.
3) Mental Endurance: Yoga is often sited as the reason for many people's lessened depression and anxiety.
Yoga postures can be very difficult.
Fighting them only causes more discomfort.
With a good teacher and concentration on the yoga practitioner's part, the difficulties can be overcomed by clearing the mind and breathing.
You simply cannot attend a yoga class and not experience this.
As you get better and better with breathing through the difficulty of postures, you notice that there is a change in the way you can handle every day life situations.
There is less judgement and it helps with all types of physical and mental activities.
4) Weight Loss Stimulation: There are many poses in a basic yoga routine that will stimulate different glands and hormones in the body to increase metabolism.
For instance, "shoulder stand" is a posture where you are on your shoulders with your feet straight up in the air.
Your chin is tucked to your chest and body is inverted.
This stimulates the thyroid, the gland responsible for secreting hormones that regulate metabolism.
5) Firm and Lean Legs: I don't care if you are a man or woman, we all want firm and strong legs.
However yoga will help you really get that "lean" look instead of the bulky leg look.
Not only do the large muscles get worked, the smaller muscles that help with balance are fired the entire time.
The increased flexibility will help prevent injuries in the long run as well.

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