Home & Garden Maintenance & Repairs

How to Frame to Support a Natural Stone

    • 1). Apply backer board over the wall studs. Secure the cement board to the studs with screws using the power drill.

    • 2). Lay building paper over the backer board in horizontal strips. Secure the first strip of building paper to the bottom of the wall with the staple gun.

    • 3). Overlap the next piece by 2 inches and staple to the backer board. Repeat this step to until the wall has been covered in the building paper.

    • 4). Place the metal lath against the wall. Secure the lath to the wall studs with screws or continue with the staple gun. Overlap each section of lath by at least 1 inch at vertical and horizontal joints.

    • 5). Apply the first coat or mortar to the metal lath with the trowel. This is typically called a "scratch" coat. The mortar needs to be between 3/8 and ½ inches think.

    • 6). Run the toothed edge of the trowel over the scratch coat to make horizontal grooves. Allow the scratch coat of mortar to dry for at least 24 hours.

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