Make Money Knowing How to Strategically Prepare the Body of Your Oral Presentation - 11 Strategies
In the multilevel-marketing business, speaking can be one of the most important aspects of your business. Whether you're speaking to one person or hundreds of people, the manner in which you make your presentation can mean the very difference between success and failure. First, you'll want to understand the physiology of fear and how to overcome it. Secondly, you'll want to learn how to use a holistic approach to help overcome your fears of speaking. And thirdly, you'll want to develop a strategy for the body of your speech.
Outlined below are a few strategies for the body of your speech. Of course there are many ways you can approach the layout of the information so that your audience can readily understand it. Without an obvious pattern to give context, people will have difficulty processing information that leads to their understanding of the big picture and why it should matter to them.
Strategies for the Body:
The Alphabetical Approach. This is all about discussing a series of things that do not lend themselves to some other logical order. You could talk about them in alphabetical order, such as states with high student achievement, or cities with high infant mortality rates.
Cause and Effect. Highlighting the causes that lead to certain results may help your audience to understand a meaningful relationship better than a simple chronology.
Chronology. If the order of occurrence is of major concern, a chronology may be perfect.
Complexity or Difficulty. Starting with a discussion of simple precepts and moving to more complex ones.
Geographic or Spatial. This strategy centers around arranging the discussion in terms spatial relationships or location.
Letter Sequence. One memory trick to help people remember the message is to assign meaning to each letter in a word. For example, T.E.A.M. - Together Everyone Accomplishes More.
Extended Analogy or Metaphor. Analogy helps explain something by comparison with something else that has some similarities: relating the fourth quarter of a football game to your company's fourth quarter results. Metaphors are a subset of analogies that make more complex and whole identifications. An extended metaphor would be to relate the story of King Arthur as struggle between a wise order against the dangers of a brash upstart.
Numerical Order. If you were examining the different parts of a whole, it could help the audience remember the entire list if they were numbered.
Problem and solution. If you are addressing a group to provide your expertise to solve a problem, you need to first assess the awareness of the audience. If some members know almost nothing, you can at least briefly review how the challenge developed until the crisis point, and then present different ways to resolve it in detail. Your Church may have dwindling membership, or the PTA cannot send the band to camp due to lack of funding.
Trends. This is the presentation of information in terms of significant meanings in the changes in incidences: extended use of fossil fuels, leading to the greenhouse effect.
Type. In a talk about new video games or this year's winners of art prizes, you could present them in related groups: war games would be reviewed together: first, second and third prizes in oil would be separated from watercolors.
Outlined below are a few strategies for the body of your speech. Of course there are many ways you can approach the layout of the information so that your audience can readily understand it. Without an obvious pattern to give context, people will have difficulty processing information that leads to their understanding of the big picture and why it should matter to them.
Strategies for the Body:
The Alphabetical Approach. This is all about discussing a series of things that do not lend themselves to some other logical order. You could talk about them in alphabetical order, such as states with high student achievement, or cities with high infant mortality rates.
Cause and Effect. Highlighting the causes that lead to certain results may help your audience to understand a meaningful relationship better than a simple chronology.
Chronology. If the order of occurrence is of major concern, a chronology may be perfect.
Complexity or Difficulty. Starting with a discussion of simple precepts and moving to more complex ones.
Geographic or Spatial. This strategy centers around arranging the discussion in terms spatial relationships or location.
Letter Sequence. One memory trick to help people remember the message is to assign meaning to each letter in a word. For example, T.E.A.M. - Together Everyone Accomplishes More.
Extended Analogy or Metaphor. Analogy helps explain something by comparison with something else that has some similarities: relating the fourth quarter of a football game to your company's fourth quarter results. Metaphors are a subset of analogies that make more complex and whole identifications. An extended metaphor would be to relate the story of King Arthur as struggle between a wise order against the dangers of a brash upstart.
Numerical Order. If you were examining the different parts of a whole, it could help the audience remember the entire list if they were numbered.
Problem and solution. If you are addressing a group to provide your expertise to solve a problem, you need to first assess the awareness of the audience. If some members know almost nothing, you can at least briefly review how the challenge developed until the crisis point, and then present different ways to resolve it in detail. Your Church may have dwindling membership, or the PTA cannot send the band to camp due to lack of funding.
Trends. This is the presentation of information in terms of significant meanings in the changes in incidences: extended use of fossil fuels, leading to the greenhouse effect.
Type. In a talk about new video games or this year's winners of art prizes, you could present them in related groups: war games would be reviewed together: first, second and third prizes in oil would be separated from watercolors.