How to Make a Diagonal Stripe Cushion
- 1). Place two layers of diagonally striped fabric on top of each other, with the correct sides facing each other.
- 2). Draw the shape and size you'd like your cushion to be on the fabric with a craft marker. Add about a half inch on each side to allow for seams. Secure the fabric together using sewing pins around the inside of the cushion outline.
- 3). Cut out the shape of the cushion using a pair of sharp craft scissors.
- 4). Thread a sewing needle with matching thread. Use enough thread to go around the entire cushion plus about 6 inches.
- 5). Sew the outside edge of the cushion shape together. Keep your stitches equal in length. Stop sewing when there is about 3 inches of opening left.
- 6). Turn the cushion inside out through the 3-inch opening. Leave the casing right side out. Insert cotton stuffing into the opening. Use a wooden spoon or ruler to help make sure the stuffing gets back in each corner. Fill the cushion with stuffing.
- 7). Sew the opening closed with the remaining thread. Knot the thread and snip the needle away with scissors. Use the scissors to remove any stray cotton fibers.