Health & Medical Self-Improvement

Loving Unconditionally - A Course in Miracles

"Greater love has no one like this; that a man laid down his life for his friends" (a line taken from the Bible). This here is a perfect picture of unconditional love. And indeed, no man has ever done this without expecting something in return. Only one person has ever done this. And He is the author of A Course In Miracles, Jesus.

Jesus was able to show unconditional love in the fact that chose to die for us. For us, it would be easier to love somebody if he is good. But how about the unloveable? In Jesus' case, the sinners and those who have done him wrong. For us, this includes those who have betrayed our trust and bullied us.

Just the thought of these people would often hurt, bringing up past emotions. A very clear example of such a situation would be a man who saw his family being murdered by his neighbors. A few months after, he attended a fellowship where he heard a teaching about loving your neighbors. He was so upset with what he heard.

Later that day, he approached the speaker saying, "Pastor, how can you love your neighbors if they were the ones who murdered your family, and you were there to witness it all? Tell me, pastor, are they even fit to be called your neighbors?" The pastor calmly answered, "If you can't love them as your neighbors, then love them as your enemies". This here is a clear example of how it is to love your unloveable neighbors, your enemies. No one knew what happened after that, but surely it would have been a struggle for that person to accept what the pastor has said.

Unconditional love is close to impossible for human beings. However, A Course In Miracles teaches us about what Jesus would have wanted us to do. Jesus was the perfect example of this kind of love. It's not what He did that made Him a perfect example. Rather, it was Him, Himself.

Jesus loved even those who were deemed impossible to love. These people were sinners and in some cases, the worst of them all. He loved those who killed Him, and crucified Him on the cross. This is evident when, instead of cursing them, Jesus asked God the Father to forgive those people because they simply did not know what they were doing. It was an immaculate act of love evidenced by forgiveness.

But it wasn't easy for Jesus, He was human. He wrestled with it, when He begged His Father to let the cup of suffering pass by. Nevertheless, He submitted to it and went to the cross anyway. What really drove Him to go to the cross? It was His unconditional love for us and even for those that crucified Him.

A Course In Miracles teaches seekers about this kind of love, and how to live out this kind of love. And this is done by breaking walls we've built between us and love.


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