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How Important Can SEO Be?

When we say SEO, what do we exactly mean by that? SEO means Search Engine Optimization.
In case you are an amateur in the field of SEO, don't get bogged down by the technical terms.
In simple words, SEO means that when someone tries to look out for information in the search engines and put some keywords in the search engines, the search engine will list your site.
This way, SEO can get your site is listed above the rest and you can get clients who may be interested in your products.
The most important task of a SEO is to concentrate its efforts on how to get higher ranks in the search engines, by employing economical means.
There are other options available, which are costly.
You may shell out more money of higher end tools such as SEO elite, but actually speaking, there is no need to spend money on such tools.
Instead of spending more money on tools to generate traffic to your website, you should try to get fresh and crisp content that is useful to your customers.
Search engines invariably look out for content that is fresh as well as relevant.
The search engines treat irrelevant material full of keywords as garbage.
Garbage content will have lots of keywords in order to get higher rankings in the search engines.
Therefore, the search engines treat such sites as garbage and are always on the look out for fresh and relevant content.
To get noticed on the internet, you should maintain high quality of the articles.
This way, even if the rank of the site goes down, its rich content will leave its mark on the net.
From the points listed above, you would have realized the importance of SEO.
Just as SEO is important, there is one more thing that can be used to increase the traffic to your website.
Do you know how important the back links are? To know the effectiveness of back links, try to share back links with a site which is similar to yours and has a good PR.
After some time, if you check Google, you will realize that the traffic on your website has increased manifold.
In a striking contrast, if you try to get a back link with a site that is not well known and has a low traffic and lower PR, then, you will be shocked to know that after a week's time, you will get lesser traffic to your website and your PR ratings will go down, for no fault of yours.
So, back links can play a very important role in getting the traffic as well as in your PR ranks.
Get a back link with a high ranking PR and the traffic to you website will increase, and this will improve your PR rankings too.
But commit a mistake of having a back link with a low PR website and both the traffic to your website as well as your PR rank will doom.

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