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How to Braid a Keychain

    • 1). Cut two pieces of plastic line or string, 3 feet in length with scissors. Choose a different color for each string to create a multicolor braid.

    • 2). Match the ends of the strands together so they are even. Thread one end of each strand through the center of a metal keychain. Move the keychain down the strands to their center points. Fold the strands around the keychain at their center points to create four lengths.

    • 3). Turn the keychain so the center of the circle is facing you. Wrap a 1/2 inch piece of masking tape around the end of each strand. Label the bottom half of the strand on the left with the number "1," and the top half of the same strand with the number "2." Label the bottom half of the strand on the right with the number "3," and the top half of the same strand with the number "4."

    • 4). Position the strands in the order of 1, 2, 3, 4 from left to right. Bring the strand on the far right (strand 4) to the left behind strands 3 and 2. Bring strand 4 up and over the top of strand 2.

    • 5). Grasp the strand on the far left (strand 1) and bring it to the right behind strands 2 and 4. Bring strand 1 up and over the top of strand 4.

    • 6). Grasp the two strands of color 1 in your left hand, and the two strands of color 2 in your right hand and pull on them to tighten. The strands should now be in the order of 2, 1, 4, 3.

    • 7). Bring strand 3 behind strands 4 and 1 and then up and over strand 1. Bring strand 2 behind strands 1 and 3 and then up and over the top of strand 3. Grasp the strands of one color in your left hand and the other colored strands in your right hand and pull to tighten.

    • 8). Continue to braid down the length of the strands in this same manner by starting with the strand on the far right, bringing it behind the two center strands and then up and around the first strand to its right. Take the left most strand and move it behind the two center strands and then bring it up and over the first strand to its left. Pull on the strands after each plait to tighten.

    • 9). Stop braiding once there is only 1 to 2 inches left of loose strands. Gather the strands together and tie them in a knot to secure the braid. Trim the ends with scissors to make them even.

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