Reseller Tips on Marketing
- Create a website for your resale business. Submit your website address to major search engines such as Google, Yahoo and Altavista, which will provide you with national and even international exposure. Create several three- to- five-word phrases that best describe your products, company and services. Use several of these phrases as your keywords when submitting your website to search engines. You will draw more traffic to your website if you limit your keywords to three per each website page.
- Placing small classified ads is a cost-effective way to advertise your products. Run your classified ads in newspapers and magazines that best target your customers. For example, place a classified in "Runner's World" if you market gym shoes online. Create a heading that targets the customers you want to attract. Use a heading such as "50% Off On Vitamin Products," for example, to attract health-conscious individuals or vitamin users. Use the AIDA (attention, interest, desire, action) formula in getting customers to order your products. Use a strong heading to attract attention. Build the consumers' interest by briefly describing the key benefits of your products. Offer a special limited deal to get customers to purchase your products right away. Always include your business name, address, phone number and website address in your classified ads. Customers want to know they are dealing with a real company.
- Direct mail is highly targeted toward specific products. You can buy mailing lists of people who already buy your types of products. For example, from companies such as the Direct Marketing Association, you can purchase 5,000 names of consumers who buy vitamins. Write a sales letter to these customers describing the benefits of using your products. Create a brochure with pictures of your products, then describe some of your products in the brochure. Also, create an order form that makes it convenient for the customer to order. Mail your sales letter, brochures and order forms out in envelopes with your company name and logo. Direct people to order through your website or by mail, if they prefer.
- The bulk of your orders will likely come from repeat customers. Therefore, create and maintain a computer database of your customers' names, street and email addresses. Send special offers to your customers periodically. Vary the offerings so people receive information on different products. For example, vitamin buyers may also like protein shakes or carbohydrate drinks. Record how much certain customers order. Reward your best customers with freebies on occasion.