Family & Relationships Marriage & Divorce

7 Surefire Signs of a Cheating Wife - Want to Know?

You suspect your wife is cheating, but you're not sure what to look for? We've got the answers! There are seven surefire ways to tell if your wife is cheating:

She buys new lingerie. A woman who is trying to impress a man won't go to bed with him in her everyday panties! She will suddenly have a drawer full of teddies and sexy underthings. However, she might not point out that she has them, much less use them in bed with you. Why?

She's too tired to make love. Or so she claims! If your sex life suddenly takes a nosedive into non-existent, you might have a cheating wife on your hands. If she's getting sex somewhere else, she's not going to need it from you.

She pulls away from affection. The guilt of what she is doing will weigh on her, and her immediate response will be to put an emotional distance between the two of you. When you hold her hand, does she allow it for a while, but then pull away? If you put your arms around her, does she stiffen up?

She picks fights for no reason at all. She might have been very reasonable in the past, but suddenly she's on an emotional rollercoaster. She fights over little things, and then tries to blame it all on you.

She's on the phone or the internet much more than usual. She used to hate sitting in front of the computer, but now she does it all the time. Or she's getting lots of phone calls that don't seem to have anything to do with work. Who is calling her, and why are those emails suddenly so important?

She's evasive about where she does with her friends. She likes to go for girls-nights-out, but she doesn't like to tell you where they will be, or even how long they will be gone. When you ask how it all went, she changes the subject. Where did she really go?

She acts guilty about something. You know your wife, and your gut feeling about her will speak volumes. If she's evasive about something or seems to be hesitant about discussing certain things, your inner radar might pinpoint an affair.

There are many other ways to discover your wife's secret life. These tips are just the beginning - there are other ways to catch her red-handed...

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