How to Clean a White Vinyl Bag
- 1). Wipe the bag's surface with a damp paper towel. Depending on what the bag is soiled with, it may come off with water and a little bit of rubbing. If this doesn't work, try mixing some gentle detergent with the water and wiping the bag with the mixture. Be sure not to use too much detergent as this may make the bag sticky.
- 2). Determine what stained the vinyl bag. If the stain is something water soluble but is ground into the vinyl, you may use a toothbrush or other soft-bristled brush to gently scrub at the stain with the water-detergent mixture until it is clean. If the mark on the bag is caused by a ballpoint pen, rubbing alcohol or hydrogen peroxide will help take the stain out without ruining the vinyl bag. For stains caused by shoe polish, markers, crayon, grease, tar or oil paint, you may need to blot the stain out using mineral spirits or turpentine.
- 3). Treat the affected area with hydrogen peroxide if necessary to remove the remainder of the stain and to get rid of the rest of the mineral spirits that may be on the vinyl bag. The hydrogen peroxide also has bleaching properties, so it will help the white bag maintain its color.
- 4). Clean off chewing gum from a white vinyl bag by holding ice to the gum to harden it, then chipping the gum off the bag with a chisel. Make sure you don't chisel too close to the bag, or you may damage the surface. Use mineral spirits to remove the rest of the gum.
- 5). Use a specific vinyl softener and cleaner to clean and care for the vinyl bag. This is a more expensive option, but these types of cleaners are specifically made for vinyl and help keep the material pliable and clean regardless of what caused the damage.