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Become an Internet Superstar: The Overview (Part 1 of 11)

It's critical to establish a powerful online identity for yourself and your business.
By positioning yourself as an expert in your niche, you will not only attract new business and retain current clients more effectively, but you will also have the ability to charge higher prices than the competition and still win business.
In other words, you will not have to compete on price anymore.
You will attract clients not because of your low prices, but because of your expertise and the value you and your business offer.
And if you are not a business owner, the power that comes with a strong online brand will give you flexibility when it comes to your next career move.
No longer will you be an anonymous face-you'll be a hot commodity in your industry.
So how do you go about building such a powerful presence? It isn't magic, and it doesn't require an advanced degree in computer science.
It does require planning, commitment, and hard work on your part.
Of course, if you don't have the time or the inclination, get in touch-we'll be glad to help.
Let's start from the beginning.
An effective content marketing strategy has two goals.
First, to increase your online visibility.
If prospects can't see you, they can't hire you-this isn't rocket science! And secondly, to establish you as a leading expert in your field.
The objective is to position you as the go-to guy in your niche.
Instead of being just another CPA, for instance, we want to make you into THE accounting guru in your area.
How do we get there? We use three primary platforms to accomplish these goals.
First is an authoritative blog.
Second is publishing expert content to online directories.
And the third element of our strategy is a social media presence which ties everything together.
We will cover each of these elements in great depth throughout this series-for now, we will give a brief overview Your blog will become an invaluable source of information for clients, customers, and prospects.
What makes an expert? Is it success? Not necessarily-in fact, some of the most successful people in America are completely anonymous.
No, to establish yourself as an expert, you need to demonstrate a true mastery of your subject area.
On your blog, you will answer common questions that customers and prospects have, you'll explain complex issues in simple, common-sense terms, and you will break down news and current events in your field and explain how the news will impact your customers.
Article directories such as this site have two basic purposes.
The first is to provide useful information, and the second is to build a presence across the internet.
Each article is an opportunity to link back to your blog and website.
By submitting expertly written articles to these directories, you will improve the ranking of your website and blog on Google, and you will funnel potential clients to your blog and website.
Finally, your social media presence will tie everything else together.
It will also act as an ambassador for the rest of your operations, if you will, by interacting with your customers and prospects in a comfortable environment.
Your social media presence will be used to direct them to new blog posts, recently published articles, and information on your website.
Your social media presence is also a great opportunity to lighten up just a bit and share your personality and sense of humor with your audience.
And when news breaks, such as new legislation impacting your market, you will use your social media presence to shoot down rumors and explain exactly what these changes mean to your clients and prospects.
Blogging, article writing, and social media.
Sounds simple, right? And it is simple-not easy, but simple.
Over the next couple of months we will examine this strategy in depth as we provide the knowledge you need to create a powerful online presence.
Here's what you can expect: Part 1: Your Content Marketing Strategy: The Overview Part 2: Defining Your Personal Brand Part 3: What to Write About? Part 4: Why Do I Need a Blog? Part 5: Your Blogging Strategy Part 6: Your Article Strategy Part 7: Social Media Overview Part 8: Using Twitter Effectively Part 9: Using Facebook Effectively Part 10: Using LinkedIn Effectively Part 11: Bringing it All Together If you would like information on our services, including our Superstar Content Marketing Strategy, get in touch! We'll be glad to answer your questions and develop a plan to turn YOU into a superstar within your market.

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