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Dating Tips For Short Men - Is It Really Any Different For Short Guys?

One of the things that is oft quoted about what women are attracted to is: men that are tall, dark, and handsome. Well, if you are a short guy, then does this automatically eliminate YOU from the picture?

Are you going to have to just accept the fact that dating for you is going to be different than it is for other guys?

The long and the short of it (no pun there, huh) is that most of the time... NO it will not eliminate you in any way... as long as you know how to create a woman's attraction and emotional responses to you.

I have a friend of mine who is about 5'5" and to top it off, he probably weighs about 210. So, he's got two things working against him... he's short and he's chubby.

And you know what?

I have seen that guy get girls that are total knockouts, and he did not have to do any magic "voodoo" to make them want him.

The funny thing is, I also know guys that are above 6 feet tall, hit the gym 5 times a week, and they STRUGGLE to attract any women at all, let alone knockouts.

Look, your height does not have to be any excuse for not attracting women. And it really should not be.

You know why?

Because what women say they want and what they actually respond to are not always the same thing.

Ever know a nice girl that says she just wants to meet a nice guy, and yet every guy that she goes after is a total jerk in every sense of the word?

You DON'T have to be a certain height to attract a woman, and you don't have to assume that you cannot attract a beautiful woman just because you are not 6 feet tall.

My friend that I mentioned before who's 5 foot 5-- he gets women because of the way that he acts around them. And he's not a guy that is sucking up to them or trying to "buy" their attention and attraction, either.

They laugh when they are around him, he teases them, he puts them on edge.

And they DIG it.

A few years ago, I never totally understood WHY it was, but now I know better. You can be a short guy and still end up getting the girl. Sure, there might be a situation here and there when it does not work out for you, but that does not mean that you still cannot get a great woman who wants to be with YOU!

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