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Friendship Craft Gifts

    • One of the best ways to show your friend you care about her is to spend time on her. Use your free time to make friendship craft gifts for your best friend. These quick and creative friendship craft ideas do not require too much time, though, and they definitely do not take a lot of money. Make one or all of these fun friendship crafts for your friend. Or, host a slumber party and make them together to share with each other.

    Mini-Pillow Keychains

    • For a cute and inexpensive friendship gift, make a mini-pillow keychain. Cut a 3x4-inch rectangle from a felt square. Fold the rectangle and hot-glue the long edge together. Stuff the mini-pillow with cotton balls, then hot-glue the remaining edge. String a ¼-inch wide ribbon through a yarn needle. Insert the needle into the corner of the pillow to make a loop. Knot tightly, remove the needle and snip off remaining ribbon. Thread a jump-ring key ring onto the ribbon loop. To embellish the mini-pillow, use squeezable fabric paint to draw swirlies, or write your friend's name.

    Keepsake Box

    • Turn an ordinary empty facial tissue box into a creative keepsake box gift. Spray craft adhesive all over the outside of the tissue box. Wrap the box in wrapping paper just as you would wrap a present. Use hot glue instead of tape to secure the ends. With a craft knife, cut out around the hole in the top of the tissue box. Outline the hole cut-out and embellish the designs on the wrapping paper with glittery squeezable fabric paint.

    Button Bracelets

    • Make identical bracelets for yourself and your friend. The Martha Stewart website shares a cute and creative "Button Bracelet" craft using garment buttons, elastic cord and a crimp tube found in craft stores and bead shops. Purchase plain and novelty buttons from the fabric section of your local discount department store. To make the bracelet, the Martha Stewart site instructs threading the buttons onto the elastic cord then threading the ends of the cord through the crimp tube (see References for exact instructions). To secure, crimp the tube with pliers.

    Lip Gloss

    • Make your own lip gloss to share with your friend. Rita Nader Heikenfeld, Certified Culinary Professional and Certified Modern Herbalist, shares an easy recipe for homemade lip gloss on her "About Eating" website. The online recipe calls for heating a mixture of beeswax, cocoa butter and grapeseed and coconut oils (see References for full instructions). Pour the lip gloss into the container of your choice. Use a mint tin, pill box, tiny candle-making jar or any small container with a lid.

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