Winning Your Boyfriend Back If You Have No Contact
When your boyfriend breaks up with you, it's not easy to think straight. Very often, reconciliation is your only goal. In an effort to put your broken romance back together, you may have already made mistakes that pushed your exboyfriend away. Calling him incessantly, texting him several times without result... maybe you've even driven past his house and dropped off a few letters. Hey, it happens. We all go through it.
The important part is that you learn from it. Right now, as you read this, you have the power to change things. Right now is the time to stop making those same mistakes and start on the correct path to winning your boyfriend back.
You see, just because your ex broke up with you doesn't mean he doesn't still love you. Sometimes guys feel trapped, weirded out, or any number of other feelings. In short, they bolt. And they do this without thinking about the future, or the relationship they're leaving behind.
If you feel like your relationship was special, and worth saving, then it probably was. On his end, he feels those emotions too. The only problem is this: he's put those feelings to the side for now, while he breaks up with you and looks elsewhere. It's your job to bring those feelings back out and show them to him - remind him of them - before your ex boyfriend possibly moves on with someone else.
This is why being proactive is such an important part of winning him back. Too many women sit around waiting for their ex to come to them. And while giving your ex boyfriend some time and space to himself is certainly part of the reconciliation process, once he starts missing you? It's time to re-open the lines of communication and start working toward getting him interested.
So how do you make your ex want you again? Very carefully. You need to be subtle in your approach. In a way, you're chasing your boyfriend - but if he knows this he's going to balk. He'll see you as needy and desperate, which is why you can never let on in this way. The methods you use need to be very careful and calculated.
One way to win back an ex boyfriend is to use a very powerful human emotion: jealousy. There are some fantastic methods and techniques for making your exboyfriend jealous. Learn how to use them, but be careful to use them sparingly. Executed correctly however, they can really speed up the process of getting your ex to want you again.
There are other ways of reinserting yourself into your ex boyfriend's life without him realizing that you're doing it. By playing upon your past history together, you can draw out his memories of all the wonderful things you did together. Over time, bad memories tend to fade. Your ex will forget most of the fights and arguments, and when he thinks about your relationship all he'll see are the good times. This will help recreate those same magical feelings you both felt when you first started dating. If you can bring him back to such a time, he's going to want the same things you do.
Yet no matter what, you'll never win back your boyfriend unless one thing happens: you develop a step by step plan. Having a blueprint that tells you what to do (and when to do it) will go miles toward putting him back in your life again. You can't just "wing it" and hope for the best. Too many women do that, and they end up killing their chances at reconciliation.
The important part is that you learn from it. Right now, as you read this, you have the power to change things. Right now is the time to stop making those same mistakes and start on the correct path to winning your boyfriend back.
You see, just because your ex broke up with you doesn't mean he doesn't still love you. Sometimes guys feel trapped, weirded out, or any number of other feelings. In short, they bolt. And they do this without thinking about the future, or the relationship they're leaving behind.
If you feel like your relationship was special, and worth saving, then it probably was. On his end, he feels those emotions too. The only problem is this: he's put those feelings to the side for now, while he breaks up with you and looks elsewhere. It's your job to bring those feelings back out and show them to him - remind him of them - before your ex boyfriend possibly moves on with someone else.
This is why being proactive is such an important part of winning him back. Too many women sit around waiting for their ex to come to them. And while giving your ex boyfriend some time and space to himself is certainly part of the reconciliation process, once he starts missing you? It's time to re-open the lines of communication and start working toward getting him interested.
So how do you make your ex want you again? Very carefully. You need to be subtle in your approach. In a way, you're chasing your boyfriend - but if he knows this he's going to balk. He'll see you as needy and desperate, which is why you can never let on in this way. The methods you use need to be very careful and calculated.
One way to win back an ex boyfriend is to use a very powerful human emotion: jealousy. There are some fantastic methods and techniques for making your exboyfriend jealous. Learn how to use them, but be careful to use them sparingly. Executed correctly however, they can really speed up the process of getting your ex to want you again.
There are other ways of reinserting yourself into your ex boyfriend's life without him realizing that you're doing it. By playing upon your past history together, you can draw out his memories of all the wonderful things you did together. Over time, bad memories tend to fade. Your ex will forget most of the fights and arguments, and when he thinks about your relationship all he'll see are the good times. This will help recreate those same magical feelings you both felt when you first started dating. If you can bring him back to such a time, he's going to want the same things you do.
Yet no matter what, you'll never win back your boyfriend unless one thing happens: you develop a step by step plan. Having a blueprint that tells you what to do (and when to do it) will go miles toward putting him back in your life again. You can't just "wing it" and hope for the best. Too many women do that, and they end up killing their chances at reconciliation.