Craft Ideas for Empty Plastic Containers
- Margarine comes in a variety of different sized plastic tubs. These make great banks to collect loose change. Start with a clean and dry plastic tub. Paint the outside of the tub and lid. Cut a slot in the top of the lid. To finish decorating the bank, paint an interesting design or glue paper cut outs onto the outside. Flowers and pieces of lace could also be used. Once the paint and glue are dry, put the lid on the bank and start filling with money. Once it is full simply open the lid, empty the bank and reuse.
- For this project you will need a 2- or 3-liter pop bottle. Make sure that it is clean and dry. Remove the label. Fill it half way with small pebbles or dried beans. Put the lid on. With a hot glue gun and felt, cut out and glue clothes onto the bottle. Cut a hole the size of the pop top into a styrofoam ball. Glue a face, hair and hat onto the ball. Glue this to the top of the dressed plastic bottle. Create two felt arms with hands and glue the arms to the body. The hands should be glued at the wrist and fingertips so there is a gap at the palms. That way two wooden kitchen spoons can be held by the hands.
- You will need two large soda bottles. Make sure everything is clean and dry. Remove all labels. Cut the bottom 3 inches off of one of the bottles. Drill a hole in the bottom of each soda bottle. Thread a heavy string through the bottom of the complete bottle and tie a loop on the end. This will be used to hang the bird feeder. Pull the string through the rest of the bottle. Hold onto the string and fill the soda bottle with bird seed. Now thread the lose end of the string through the bottom of the cut piece. Tie the string in a knot. Leave at least one inch of space between bottle pieces so the bird seed can funnel into the cut bottom section. Hang the bird feeder outside by the loop end of the string.