The Best Lures for Trout
- Spinners, spoons and flatfish are all excellent for trout fishing. Spinners and spoons are great for lake trout as they can catch the attention of the fish from a distance and lure them in for the strike.
Flatfish can mimic the smaller fish from a stream or river. Armed with a twitching for fast jerk motion, an angler can use flatfish to entice many of the more reluctant lunkers.
Another solid option is the dying minnow style of rubber lures, such as the Banjo Minnow. These are excellent off-season lures as they are adjustable for many different types of water and a dying minnow almost invariably catches the attention of larger fish. - Trout marshmallows come in a variety of colors and scents. Typically you'll want to select those that contrast well against the water in which they're being used. Bright yellows and oranges tend to stand out very well.
Remember to use a smaller hook when using trout eggs. While small hooks may have a greater chance of a fish fleeing, it is possible to hook all but the largest trout with a No. 1 hook. The key is to have the hook be small enough that the trout can easily test the egg without striking. Trout are smart fish and will often leave bait that has too large of a hook. - Fly-fishing is a sport all its own, and flies are irresistible to trout during the spawning months and insect-hatching seasons. Brightly colored or natural, flies are designed to mimic newborn insects on the surface of the water and give trout a reason to strike for their dinner. Tying flies is a challenging and time-honored tradition for the fly-fishing angler. Always keep in mind the types and colors of local insect populations and you'll never run out of ideas for building flies that work in your rivers.