Five Easy Steps for Catching Fish
- You should learn everything you can about where you plan to do your fishing. Talk to some area anglers at the local bait and tackle shop about the body of water you are going to fish in. Talking to them can give you clues regarding where the best spots to find fish are and what they likely will hit on. Read the fishing reports either in your local newspaper or online to find out what is biting and where. Fish like to feed in areas where there is a lot of cover, so look for areas in lakes and ponds near the edge that has a lot of vegetation, such as grasses and reeds. In saltwater fish around structures, such as piers, docks and underwater wrecks.
- Choose the right rod and reel for the type of fishing you plan to do. Don't use a heavy-duty surf fishing rod and reel if you plan to fish anchored in a boat or from a pier. Learn what pound test line you should be using for your reel and the type of fish you are going after so your line doesn't keep breaking. Determine whether you want to use sinkers, floats, or bobbers to make the bait look more attractive to your prey.
- Once you know what kind of fish you are going after, research what type of baits you should be using. Almost all gamefish are going to be interested in live bait, but knowing what kind is the trick. Using the right hook for your live bait, as well as hooking it in a way so that it stays alive on the hook, is also a crucial key to your fishing success. Some fish may also be attracted to spoons or artificial lures.
- Fish generally feed during two times of day: just before sunrise and just before sunset. This is generally due to the increased activity of insects during this time and due to the way the light hits the water. Fish are known to be attracted to bright and shiny objects and is one of the reasons that the best fishing occurs during these two time frames.
- Fishing is meant to be a recreational sport. One that is shared with family and good friends. Fishing is not an exact science. One day, you will pull your limit of catfish from your home lake fishing along the northern shore. The next day, the conditions will be exactly the same, you will be fishing at the same time with the same bait in the exact same spot and get nothing. And that's OK. There are worse things to be doing than spending a day fishing. Just take what you have learned and try again the next time.