Male Chastity Training: Major Benefits of the Chastity Cage
The vice of perfidy bears such strong repercussions on human emotions and sentiments that the modern time have seen measures as stern as male chastity training being forged into the fray. So much so, the need for loyalty has increased to such an extent that some of the women have subjected their male partners and in some cases even husbands to forced male chastity. While the moral righteousness of the process is open to debate, the efficacy of the procedure cannot be denied.
Humans have for long lived in stern patriarchal societies marked by severe dominance of the man over the woman. But the past few years have been different. Women have proved their mettle in almost all walks of their lives. With the rise in power that women have seen in the last few years, in various fields, they have come to the point of dictating terms to their male counterparts. The Male Obedience Training that women have subjected their partners to has been a part of the same movement. Chastity cages are also becoming extensively popular and they have many benefits both for women and men. Here are a few.
The cage forges trust back into the relationship
One of the best benefits of male chastity training is that it restores lost trust in a relationship. Trust is something that is pivotal to the longevity of any relationship and most of the broken relationships have been so owing to the loss of trust. The male chastity cage prevents the man from getting intimate with any other woman, except one that has the key to the cage. This way you can trust your man even if he is away from your sight.
A caged bird cannot fly away
Even if the man intends to have a sexual intercourse somewhere or the other, he cannot do so. With a caged private organ, leave alone the intercourse, even an erection is a distant dream. Besides, whenever another woman comes to know that the man she is hitting on has the forced male chastity cage imposed upon him, she is in all likelihood going to stay away from your man.
The cage prevents orgasms that are uncalled for
One of the major reasons that prevent a healthy physical relationship between man and wife or the mistress and her male submissive is that the man has orgasms away from his woman. An already exhausted man cannot be expected to be a tiger on bed. On the other hand, the cage ensures that the man is all yours whenever you need him.
The cage is designed to prevent chastity and not normal life
One of the commonest notions about the male chastity cage is that the man cannot lead a normal life once his private parts have been caged. Here it is important to understand that the cage stops jut one activity and nothing else. The design of the cage is such that one can continue wearing it for long hours without any feeling of discomfort whatsoever. This is something about male chastity training that is often misinterpreted.
Humans have for long lived in stern patriarchal societies marked by severe dominance of the man over the woman. But the past few years have been different. Women have proved their mettle in almost all walks of their lives. With the rise in power that women have seen in the last few years, in various fields, they have come to the point of dictating terms to their male counterparts. The Male Obedience Training that women have subjected their partners to has been a part of the same movement. Chastity cages are also becoming extensively popular and they have many benefits both for women and men. Here are a few.
The cage forges trust back into the relationship
One of the best benefits of male chastity training is that it restores lost trust in a relationship. Trust is something that is pivotal to the longevity of any relationship and most of the broken relationships have been so owing to the loss of trust. The male chastity cage prevents the man from getting intimate with any other woman, except one that has the key to the cage. This way you can trust your man even if he is away from your sight.
A caged bird cannot fly away
Even if the man intends to have a sexual intercourse somewhere or the other, he cannot do so. With a caged private organ, leave alone the intercourse, even an erection is a distant dream. Besides, whenever another woman comes to know that the man she is hitting on has the forced male chastity cage imposed upon him, she is in all likelihood going to stay away from your man.
The cage prevents orgasms that are uncalled for
One of the major reasons that prevent a healthy physical relationship between man and wife or the mistress and her male submissive is that the man has orgasms away from his woman. An already exhausted man cannot be expected to be a tiger on bed. On the other hand, the cage ensures that the man is all yours whenever you need him.
The cage is designed to prevent chastity and not normal life
One of the commonest notions about the male chastity cage is that the man cannot lead a normal life once his private parts have been caged. Here it is important to understand that the cage stops jut one activity and nothing else. The design of the cage is such that one can continue wearing it for long hours without any feeling of discomfort whatsoever. This is something about male chastity training that is often misinterpreted.