Family & Relationships Singles & Dating

Get Him To Open Those Men"s Leather Wallets For You

If you are a single woman in your thirties, chances are it's been quite awhile since you've been in a relationship.
If you remember in high school, courtship was straightforward and honest.
In college, it was a little more complicated than that, what with playing around with several people before finally committing.
The twenties were even worse because nobody seems to want to be in a committed relationship.
Indeed, as we grow older, relationships seem to become more and more complicated.
That's why if you do manage to snag the rare committed man among all the world's toxic bachelors, you have to do all you can to play the relationship right and hold on to him, the way the opposite sex holds on to their men's leather wallets.
First Impressions Last It all starts in the first date.
You have to know that the man probably has more first dates lined up for the week than you have meetings with your boss.
The key to making him want to see you again is to stand out and leave a lasting impression on him.
It can be any number of things.
You can wear a killer dress.
You can charm him with your quick wit and easy banter.
You can impress him with your French as you order foie gras.
Possibly the most foolproof way of getting a man's attention is to have enough confidence to pay for your share of the dinner.
You don't have to make a dramatic declaration of it.
Just casually reach for your credit card as he pulls out one of those men's leather wallets.
If he's a gentleman, he will insist on paying.
Let him.
The important thing is you've made your point, which is you are independent woman with your own money and you don't need a man with one of those men's leather wallets to pay for your dinner.
Delay The Bootie Call If you want a man to commit, you have to make sure that he doesn't just see you as a sexual figure.
Never have sex on the first date.
In fact, hold out on sex as long as you possibly can.
Have sex too soon and he'll might as well be reaching for one of those men's leather wallets faster than you can say "prostitute".
The thing is if a relationship starts with sex, ten to one, it'll never be more than sex.
If you want a lasting, meaningful relationship, avoid the bedroom at all costs.
Let the man get to know you and get to know the man.
However, don't hold out too long that you'll seem like a prude.
Before you know it, he'll be opening one of those men's leather wallets to pay for another lady's dinner.
Timing is the key.
You'll know when it feels right.
Everyone's Favorite Game Dating is hard enough as it is.
Now, dating with the idea of getting into a relationship is downright tedious.
Whether you like it or not, a relationship is nothing more than a game and only those who know how to play the field win.

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