How Can I Make Picture Frames?
- Use moldings to make custom picture frames. Measure the item you want to frame. Purchase decorative moldings from the hardware store. Cut the molding to the desired lengths, leaving the ends mitered. Join the mitered corners from the back, using heavy-duty staples. Use a Dremel to router out a ledge on the inside edge on the back of the frame. Get a piece of glass cut the to desired size. Rest the glass on the routered edge. Use heavy-duty staples to hold the glass, the picture and a heavy backing cardboard in the frame.
- Use heavy-duty cardboard, and cover it with fabric. Choose fabric that blends in with the décor of the room where you are putting the picture frame. Cut the cardboard to the desired size, including the opening in the middle of the frame. Lay the frame on the wrong side of a piece of fabric. Cut the fabric, leaving an extra two inches on all sides for wrapping around the cardboard. Wrap the fabric tightly and glue in place using a hot glue gun. Affix the picture to the back of the frame. There is no need to use glass with this type of frame.
Use this same process to add decorative paper to cover cardboard frames as well. - Have your kids make you a picture frame from Popsicle sticks. This type of frame is great for kids' pictures or to hang in a child's room. Put paper down on the work surface, and allow children to glue the sticks together to make a frame. Give them a base or a template if you need a specific size. Leave these frames unfinished or let the kids paint them.
- Use flat pieces of a lightweight wood to make the base of the frame. Cut and join the pieces together as you would the molding frames. Use a hot glue gun to attach different items to personalize the frame. Add ribbons, bows, lace or whatever other items you like. Add the picture, glass and backing cardboard to finish the project.