How to Knit Cupcake Patterns
- 1). Cast on four stitches with the color you want for your frosting because you are knitting from the top down. Placing one stitch on each of four needles, increase into every stitch by knitting into the front leg of the stitch, and without removing it from the left needle, knit into the back leg of the stitch. Slide the stitch off. You now have two stitches where there was one before.
- 2). Increase the first stitch on each needle (with eight stitches on the needles) in each round you knit until you have 14 stitches per needle, 56 stitches altogether.
- 3). Knit one row without increasing. At this point, you will start decreasing your stitches. Knit the next round as knit two stitches, knit two stitches together as one, repeating this pattern of K2, K2tog, until the round ends.
- 4). Knit one stitch, knit two stitches together as one in the next round, repeating this pattern until the round ends. Change to the color of yarn you want for the cake portion of the cupcake.
- 5). Knit eight rounds using a knit one stitch, purl one stitch pattern repeated until the end of the round. Purl stitch the next round.
- 6). Begin decreasing by knitting five stitches, knitting two stitches together as one and repeating until the round is done. Next round, knit four stitches, knit two stitches together as one and repeat until this round is done. The following rounds follow the same pattern for each row. So the next row will be knit three, knit two together. The following row will be knit two stitches, knit two together. This is followed by knit two, knit two together and knit one, knit two together.
- 7). Stuff your cupcake before the final row. For the last row, knit two together over and over until the end. You should now be back to four stitches on your needles in total. Cut yarn and thread the tail through the remaining four stitches and tighten until closed.