Family & Relationships Conflict

I Want to Get My Ex Boyfriend Back, But Will That Be Good For Me?

I want to get my ex boyfriend back and I will do anything for it.
If you are in a frame of mind which is desperate, then things might actually be difficult for you and you should not get your hopes too high.
You miss him, and think about him constantly- it's painful, yes.
But there's always a chance that you can still 'get my ex boyfriend back.
' On-and-off dating can be heartbreaking, and even abusive.
Make sure your intentions and desire for taking him back are genuine and truthful, and think carefully whether the thought of 'I want to get my ex boyfriend back' is because you want him back out of true love, or because you can't have him.
If he broke up with you for someone else, or perhaps even cheated on you, this could very well be someone you really don't want back in your life.
  This kind of behavior shows his thoughtlessness, inconsideration, lack of honesty, and his lack of appreciation for you.
Along the same lines, if he tries to cheat on his current girlfriend with you, run far, far away.
This is one man you need to stay away from.
Remember that if he's cheating on her with you, he might also cheat on you with others! The feeling of 'I want to get my ex boyfriend back' might not be serving you well in this situation.
That is why it is so important to analyze the actual reason for this desire to get him back before moving forward.
Also, if your ex is the abusive type, you definitely need to get away.
Abusive relationships cause much more damage than you think- be it physical, sexual, or even emotional.
Many a times male partner has intentions which might not necessarily be love and if you are well aware of this or have understood after watching your relationship in flashback, then get over the 'I want to get my ex boyfriend back' feeling, which in this case will cause you a great deal of harm.
It's important to sort your life out, and get it together- to try to be happy without him.
You are your own person- and it should remain that way.
Your boyfriend is a secondary aspect.
Don't appear needy and desperate, try to be his friend, be there for him.
He'll see what a great confidante you are, and start re-thinking your relationship.
Give your ex-boyfriend space-remember he's not yours any longer, so there are only so many questions you can ask, or so many times you can call him in a day.
Remember to draw lines, and maintain some boundaries.
Decent and appropriate behavior has its rewards- as you will see.
But coming on too strong, and trying to act like his girlfriend will not only make him cold and unresponsive, it'll drive away any feelings of friendship.
Do not hang on to the idea all day and night that 'I want to get my ex boyfriend back' as that will only make you more miserable.
Make sure restoring this relationship is right for you, be confident in yourself, and treat him well and you will have a much better chance to get him back.

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