Home & Garden Trees & Houseplants

How Deep to Plant Watermelon Seeds


    • Create hills and furrows and plant seeds at a depth of 1 inch, 2 to 3 feet apart, at the top of the hill. Space hills about 6 feet apart and 3 feet in diameter.


    • The hills and furrows help to keep excess moisture away from the foliage of the watermelon plant. Excess water on the plant or foliage may cause lesions or fruit blotch that ruins the fruit.


    • Watermelons grow best with constant water levels, which is why so many growers install a drip irrigation system. Watermelons that receive too much water, especially in the final weeks before harvest, will lose flavor. Water the plant only if the vines look shriveled or parched.


    • Watermelon grows best in sunny locations with well-draining, sandy loam soil. Keep pH levels between 6 and 6.5. If the pH dips below 6.0 the plant may turn yellow and bloom fewer perfect flowers.

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