My Bosch Dishwasher Smells Awful
- Excess food from your dishes can accumulate in your dishwasher, which can lead to a foul odor. Your dishwasher may also begin to smell if it is used infrequently or if the filter is extremely dirty.
- Check the filter and replace or clean it if it's dirty. Refer to your owner's manual for cleaning or changing the filter as this will vary among Bosch models. Use an old toothbrush and hot, soapy water to scrub around the door, rubber seal and drain of the dishwasher, then use a sponge with hot, soapy water to wipe down the walls and inside of the door. Run a complete empty wash cycle with a glass of white vinegar sitting on the top rack to remove lingering odor.
- Rinse off your dishes to remove large food particles from them before putting them in the dishwasher. Use the hottest water setting possible when washing dishes in the dishwasher. Run a cleaning cycle once a month with a glass of white vinegar on the top rack to loosen caked-on debris and keep odors at bay.